Who's with who

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The five girls couldnt believe their eyes. How had they not seem it in the first place?! Maddie stared at Peter trying to make since of his thought process. How could he do this to them and not feel a thing. He was a monster! The other girls hadnt moved. They finally realzied how ridiculous they looked. Their shirts where messily tucked in and the pant were four sizes too big. It hadnt mattered until now. Now they had people who they cared about looking at them.

"How did you get them here?" Maddie seemed to be the only one not caught under the boys spell.

"They came here. I didnt have to do anything." Pan's voice was softer and less assertive than it usually was. She could tell her words and actions had hurt him and she kind of felt sorry for him.

"I dont believe you." Amanda said wiping a singal tear from her cheek.

"Unhood your-self. We know who you are." Chloe demanded the four guys. Each of them did. They were exactly who the thought they'd be. Three were old friends from when the girls where little. Then there was Devin and Pan.

"Logan! Why did you come here?" Beau walked up to Logan and put her hand on his cheek.

"Life at home wasnt as peachy as it seemed." Logan removed her hand and it killed Beau. They had been best friends until he had suddenly gone missing right before her 12th birthday. It had been a while now.

"And Felix you?" Meela didnt look too affected, but everyone knew it was just an act.

"That is something im not at will to disscuss." His face was as cold as a rock. Felix had always been in Meela's dreams. They never had a romantic relationship. It was always just an innocent friendship, and they both liked it that way.

"I hope you know you're a monster!" Maddie couldnt take him anymore.

"Please dont say that." Pan looked super hurt and Maddie couldnt figure out why.

"Why do you care so much?"

"Just like Meela, you used to visit this place in your dreams as you grew up. We were the best of friends and you made me feel less alone. Thats why i took Beau because i knew you'd follow. " Peter almost looked ashamed, but Maddie was still in shock.

"I dont believe you." Maddie didnt want it to be true. She couldnt have known Pan.

"Maddie how come you didnt tell us?" Chloe asked. The girls looked hurt.

"You think i knew! If i knew i would've said something." Maddie couldnt believe they thought she had known something. Their trust was dwindeling. The island was tearing them apart.

"Well you dont look too suprised." Chloe muttered. Of course she didnt look suprised! Her dad had told her to fake it till you make. She hadnt wanted Pan to get what he wanted.

"You guys cant be serious! When have I ever lied or kept anything from any of you!" Maddie was deeply hurt. These were her best friends and now they had suddenly turned on her. What was Pan doing to their heads? "Pan what are you doing to our heads?!" Maddie began to cry.

"Im not doing anything. This island reveals your true feelings and thoughts."

"Maddie we dont mean it." The girls seemed to snap out of their trance.

"No! That isnt enough! You just accused me of holding important information from you and now you're just going to say you didnt mean it!" All fury erupted, and Maddie was gone.

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