Meela could be in trouble

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"What happened to her?!" Amanda almost screamed

"How am i supposed to know." Chloe looked around frantically.

"We could really use Beau now." Maddie began to untie Meela's corsset.

"What are you doing?!" Amanda looks horrifed

"Sometimes girls pass out because their corsset is too tight. You have a better idea?!" Amanda backed down and Maddie continued to do what she was doing. Once the corsset was off they checked for breathe. Nothing.

"Well what do we do know?!" Chloe was clearly starting to panic; in fact, all of the girls were panicing.

"Hook! Anyone!" Amanda screamed in desperation. They could not lose two of their squad!

"What?" Hook was clearly annoyed, but once he saw why Amanda had screamed he immedaitley ran to get someone.

"What if-what if s-she..." Maddie's voice trailed off as she began to cry. Each girl had shead at least one tear.

"No dont think like that." Amanda wiped a tear from Maddie's cheek. She wasnt just saying that for Maddie she also needed to hear it herself. Then the most unexpected thing happened. A huge gasp escaped Meela's mouth and she abruptly sat up with eyes wide open.

"Meela!" They all screamed and engulfed her into the biggest bear hug ever!

"I-i saw something." Meela repeated this a few times before Hook got back.

"Shes okay, but thanks for trying to help." Amanda batted her eyelashes towards Hook. Um okay...

"Did i miss something?" Meela gave Hook the evil eye and he threw his hands up in defense.

"Meela what did you see?" The curiosity was killing Maddie.

"Beau. Shes looked a little beat up, but shes okay." A collective gasp was let out from the group. "and she is being held hostage. Pan looked like he was having a little too much fun." Her face was white with horror

"We have to find her and soon." Maddie stood up and got out the map. "How much longer Capt.?"

"About an hour." Hook sat down with them. "I can help you know?"

"And how would that be?" Chloe said putting her hand on her hip.

"I know why Meela could see Beau. They have what we call a 'connection'. Its kind of like telapathy but instead you can see eachother." None of them believed him. Sure they were from fairytales and they were on their way to Neverland, but that was a stretch. "Im serious. I have it with a girl named Emma. It can be formed when strong relationships are formed."

"So could Beau see us?" Amanda asks

"Probably not. Not yet at least."

"Land ho!" A shout came from upstairs

"I thought you said we had an hour?" Maddie wasnt quite grasping everything

"Time flies in Neverland, love."

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