Neverland Isn't So Kind

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The Enchanted Forest

"So what do we do?" Amanda seemed to be the only one with a cool head.

"Well theres no way we are setting another foot on Neverland so we have to draw him/her/it out here." Peter had a fire in his eyes that the girls were kind of terrified of. They all glanced at the parents. They were passed out which was a benefit to the kids. They really didn't need another problem right now.

"Okay so how are we going to do that?" Chloe was tired of this whole Neverland thing. Lyna sat in the back of the room watching this all unfold. She wanted to say something, but she hadn't been around long. She missed Maddie. She had gotten really close to her in the short five or six hours they had spent together. She was the one who had made her feel welcome.

"If I knew that why would I be talking to you guys!" Pan was being serious. If he knew what he was doing he wouldn't be here talking to these girls. He would be kicking Neverland's butt.

"Okay clam down Peter. No need to be rude. We are going to get her back." Felix was Pan's best friend. He always knew how to clam him down.

"Look Pan we all want her back as badly as you do, but we are going to have to work together to do that." Meela tried to reach Pan and it worked. He shook his head yes and sat down at a dinning table. They all followed.

"So we know he wants her for something. Pan any ideas on what?" Devin threw his backpack on the table.

"Yeah. Her blood. He wants the magic in her blood." Peter had known this all along, but it scared him.

"Well how would he get it?" Aaron was scared for her as well even though he hardly knew her.

"I don't think you guys want to know." Pan covered his face with his hands.

"We need a plan and fast." Logan stated

"We have to create a force field of magic. Neverland is attracted to magic. He wont be able to ignore. He'll come to investigate and we'll trap him by draining all the magic. At that point he'll become a regular guy because he wont have the island to replenish him."

"Okay then lets get started." Beau said


"So what do you want from me?" Maddie crossed her arms.

"You should have asked that before you sent your only pretection thousands of miles away." Maddie blinked hard because Neverland was out of focus. "Oh sorry let me turn the spell off." He snapped his fingers and she could see what he really looked like. He was about 6'0 and had black eyes. He was cleanly shaved with brown hair slicked back.

"You don't scare me." Maddie was lying through her teeth.

"Oh darling I should." He winked. "And to answer your previous question I want your blood. It houses the most powerful magic if you just use it." He was disgusted with her waste of magic.

"Wait you said we weren't powerful enough combined to hurt you." Maddie was confused.

"Oh hun I was lying. You could take me alone. If only you knew how powerful you were." What Neverland didn't know was that he was giving Maddie ideas.

"Maybe I do." She did her best to intimidate him, but he laughed at her attempt.

"Just stop while you're ahead. I'm not dumb. If you did know you would've done something already."

"How do you plan to get that magic?" Maddie had a grim epiphany.

"Well it certainly wont be pleasant for you. I plan to spill your blood ever so slowly on each and every square inch of this ground. Oh and you'll be alive for most of it." An evil laugh escaped his lips. Maddie felt her stomach drop. She needed to figure out how to use her magic and quick. She couldn't count on her friends this time, or so she thought.


"Because you are the reason I don't need hearts anymore. If I have your blood i'll never need boys to do my dirty work anymore. Guess you should've asked me why I wanted you." He smirked. "But first I want to get my due out of you."


"Kiss me." Maddie couldn't deny he was attractive, but he'd have a better time freezing hell than getting her to kiss him. He closed his eyes and she punched him square in the jaw. Neverland fell to the floor. Maddie took this opportunity to take off. There was only one place he couldn't track her. The ocean. She knew he was right behind her as she ran through the forest. Her feet hit sand and she thought of a boat. Low and behold one appeared. Wow Maddie thought I didn't think that would work. By the time Neverland got to the beach Maddie was almost a mile in the sea.

"I will find you!" Maddie knew he was right, but at least she had bought herself some time. She had to hope her friends had a plan.

The Enchanted Forest

Meela put her bag on the dinning table and her stone fell out.

"Hey! Do you think she has her stone?!" Meela ran to the other girls.

"Probably not, but we can try." Amanda got her stone out. They all looked at each other questioningly. None of them had done this before.

"Um Mads you there?" Chloe spoke into the stone. No answer. "Maddie?" No answer.

"It was worth a try." Manda said.

"Why don't we just stick to our plan?" Dylan suggested.

"Yeah of course." Meela sat down feeling defeated.

"It'll be okay." Lyna touched Meela's shoulder.

"I sure hope so."

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