Help From the Evil Queen

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The Enchanted Forest

"Okay so we know that Pan has magic, but how are we supposed to generate a big enough field to attract Neverland?" I guess none of them had thought of that before. Well everyone except Felix.

"Well you boys can too, plus there has to be more people in the Enchanted Forest who have the ability to use magic. We just have to find them." Pan rubbed his temple. He had been thinking about this for a while now. He didn't really have connections in the real world; in fact, if people knew who he really was they'd probably wouldn't help him.

"Right okay girls now its your turn. We need you to find anyone and everyone who can use magic." Logan gestured the door. The girls already had a list. Actually, most people in the Enchanted Forest had the ability to use magic they just never did. The first person on their list was the evil queen. Sure she's evil, but she hates Neverland. The castle was dark and gloomy. She wasn't going to like the girls because she wants to rule the whole Enchanted Forest and their parents weren't allowing that.

"Who goes there?" A man asked through the door.

"Um its the princesses of the surrounding realms." Meela said through the door. The door unlocked and opened to the girls, but strangely there was no one on the other side. The girls exchanged nervous looks. The halls echoed with their slow footsteps. They looked around hearing the soft beat of hearts.

"Nice to see you girls. What are you wearing?" The evil queen crinkled her nose.

"Hello queen." Amanda bowed. " We are in need of a favor and we know you might not want to help." The girls hadn't been able to change yet.

"Before you tell me what the favor is you must change out of those hideous clothes." The Evil Queen snapped her fingers and the girls were back in dresses. The dresses they had been put in were exactly the same. Black lace sleeves that also cut along the shirt. black silk with diamonds on the under part if the skirt. "Now tell me about this favor."

"We need you to help us generate a giant force field of magic to draw Neverland here." Lyna said. She didn't seem to be too intimidated by her.

"Neverland huh? I'll do it."

"Whats the catch." Lyna crossed her arms.

"I want Neverland's heart." The girls didn't see why this was a catch.

"Fine." Chloe said. She didn't see why that was important, but this was the biggest mistake the girls had made yet. " So lets got!" Chloe dragged the girls out along with the Evil Queen.

"I don't trust her." Lyna whispered to herself, but Meela heard her.

" None of us do, but shes our biggest hope besides Pan if we want Maddie back. Hey, you seemed to get close to Maddie." Meela held Lyna at the back of the group

"I guess as close as you can get to someone in six hours. I just want her back." Lyna nervously laughed. She was still feeling out the group.

"She means a lot to us and we've come really close to losing her twice now I think." Meela whipped a tear from her cheek, shrugged and ran to catch up to other girls. The walk back didn't have anything other than silence. The Evil Queen was clearly out of her element with a bunch of teenage girls. Their castle appereared in the distance and the girls took off running. The Evil Queen rolled her eyes and took off after them. She really hated them. They burst through the door. The boys were waiting for them along with their parents.

"Oh great." Amanda crossed her arms.

"We are not going to let you do something this dangerous." I guess the boys had spilled the beans

"We weren't asking for permission. She our sister and we're getting her back." Deja vu filled the air as Beau stepped forward.

"Shes not your sister! Shes barley anything more than a neighboring princess." Beaus mom rolled her eyes.

"You're wrong. She is our sister because blood means nothing." Lyna said. The parents pulled out their swords and circled the girls.

"This isn't a choice." Meela's dad said. Luckily for them the Evil Queen arrived and didn't like the parents much.

"I don't like you people much." She waved her hands and the parents fell to the floor unconscious. "Pan." She gave him the death stare.

"You." Pan didn't even want to say her name. He was so disgusted by her. "This isn't the time for our rivalry we need your help along with these people to create a force field." Pan gestured to the group of towns people behind him.

"Lets do this, so I can be done with you." Regina walked out the door with the rest of them following. The group made it to the edge of the forest.

"Listen here. All you need to do is cast all of your magic at the border. Regina and I will make sure it creates a dome." With that they began their magical dome.


Maddie had spent hours in this boat. She was beginning to get hungry. She wipped the sweat off the her forehead.

"You have to come back sooner or later." Neverland yelled form the shore. He had been sitting there for almost as long as she had been at sea.

"Id rather it be later." Maddie yelled back. She had to make him think she wasn't scared of him.

"Id rather it be sooner." Suddenly Maddie noticed the tide was bringing her closer and closer to shore. Panic set in. "Oh you thought I didn't control the sea." Neverland chuckled. "Sorry love but I do." Maddie grabbed the oars and began to row in the other direct. Her gut told her that he had some nasty plans for her. "No point in resisting babe." He disgusted her.

"I'll resist no matter what you do." Maddie's wall of confidence was slowly crumbling.

"Maybe you will maybe you wont." Neverland winked. The images that seemed to flash through his eyes terrified Maddie. "I have plans that you wont resist from." The boat was getting closer and closer to shore and Maddie desperately needed to find a way out. She prayed that her friends were doing something. When the boat hit the sand she was wrenched onto the sand. She stood up and brushed off the sand. "Nice to see you again love." Neverland whispered into her ear. She could feel his hot breath on her neck causing her to gag.

"Im glad to see you too." Maddie decided to try another tactic. She lightly kissed his cheek. Hopefully this worked.

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