43. Dylan (5) [Sahasra]

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"Faking what?" The man asked, tilting his head in confusion.

The woman sighed. "Playing hard to get, psycho! Can't you see?" She snorted and looked away, focusing her eyes on her drink again.

The man blinked but didn't say anything again in fear of making her angry.

Dylan stood before the giant bed while covering his eyes using his hands, shaking his head like a rattle.

"Oh, brother..." A girl called out to him seductively as she stripped off her dress and then tiptoed and stroked his shoulder while letting out a moan deliberately, hoping to ignite his desires.

Dylan completely let go of his innocent behaviour as his eyes turned cold. He grabbed her by her neck and said in a very cold tone, "You can't arouse me, woman."

The woman didn't back off as if she wasn't afraid of death. Locking her coffee brown eyes with his, she asked, "Why? Are you gay?"

Dylan laughed and shook his head. "Sister," He pouted his lips as he called out to her in a different voice, making the three girls widen their eyes.

"You, you!" The girl pointed her long, slender finger at him. "What are you doing here?"

Dylan sighed and sat on the edge of the giant bed, patting the place next to him, motioning them to sit there. The three women obediently sat next to him.

"I have something significant to ask. I hope you guys tell me the truth," Dylan's eyes turned serious as he spoke. "Don't be afraid. Just be honest with me."

"How can we trust you?" One girl asked doubtfully.

"With this..." Dylan took out his necklace from his shirt and showed the golden pendant to them. He smirked and completed his sentence. "Do you trust me?"

"Your grace!" The girls cried as they dropped on their knees on the floor. "Please forgive us for being blind."

"Hush!" The boy looked around cautiously. "Be quiet."

Dylan was in a good mood when he came out of the room after a long time. He even hummed a song as he found the way back to the bar. There, a pleasant or maybe unpleasant surprise was waiting for him.

"Sahasra!" He exclaimed in shock as his gaze fell on the girl standing on a table while holding a sword. His mood became even brighter as he ran towards her.

"Sahasra, it's me, Dylan. I came to this dirty place just to see you!" He babbled like a parrot. "That day I indeed became impatient. I shouldn't have..." His speech got interrupted midway as someone's blood splashed on his face.

Dylan: "...."

Sahasra turned around and looked down at the boy who's face was covered in blood disdainfully. She sneered and asked, "Who the hell are you?"

Dylan became angry at her ignorant attitude. "Hey, brunette! How can you forget me!? I'm Dylan!"

"Oh, the jewellery merchant." She became even more arrogant as she scratched her chin. She acted like he was once her servant.

Dylan clenched his hands in fury. He took a deep breath to calm down. 'You can't get angry. You need her. Remember!? You freaking need her so act like a sunny boy!!!'

He managed to smile at her which made her wrinkle her nose in disgust. "Don't smile, bish. It looks so fake. You aren't a good actor as you think."

She jumped on the floor and stood face-to-face with him. She was only one centimeter shorter than him. As a result, they could look into eachother's eyes without a difficulty.

"In fact, your smile is ugly." She clicked her tongue twice.

Dylan gritted his teeth. "Sahasraaaa!!!"

Sahasra shook her shoulders. "Call me by my nickname."

Dylan let out a tired sigh. Why was she so difficult to handle? "Okay, Ashra listen. I have a request for you."

Sahasra snorted coldly. "Do I look like I care?" A man approached them and asked her, "Why did you stop? Are you afrai..." Before he could finish, Sahasra cut his neck.


His head went flying and collided on the white wall, leaving disgusting, bloody red marks.

Dylan looked at the torso which was still struggling before falling on the floor motionlessly. He felt nauseous at the sight of it.

"Sahasraaa!" He snapped at her. "Can you please stop killing people randomly?"

Sahasra frowned. She felt wronged at his accusation. "Randomly? They provoked me first. How can I sit back and wait for them to harass me? Don't talk if you don't know anything!"

"Still..." Dylan shook his head in disappointment. "You don't need to kill them. They are drunk and not in their correct minds. You can just punish them with a few punches. No need to kill them."

Sahasra rolled her eyes. "Everyone knows me as the killing machine. What do you expect from such a person?"

"But, Ashra, I'm talking to you as a friend. You don't have to do this. You must work hard to erase your bad reputation as well as that awful nickname."

"As a friend?" She sized him up and down with her lazer like eyes. "When did you become my friend?"

This time, Dylan was the one who felt wronged. "That day, I promised to take you to meet princess Zadhea. In return, you promised to be my friend. How can you forget everything so easily?"

Sahasra became furious when she heard him mention 'Princess Zadhea.'

"You asshole!" She gritted her teeth and glared at him like an irritated wolf. "Don't mention her with your filthy mouth. Who are you? What's your specialty? Are you narcissistic enough to think that you can meet the princess whenever you want? How delusional! I'm not dumb enough to fall for your lies."

"I didn't lie." Dylan felt his patience was at its limit. "With your so called smart brain, you must know that I'm not just a mere merchant."

"Then who are you? How can I consider you as a friend when you don't reveal your true self to me, Aah?"

"Ashra." Dylan desperately pressed his eyelids.

"Don't call me that. You aren't a friend of mine. Not anymore."

She turned around to leave but stopped in her tracks when she heard his next words.

"About Zadhea... You won't be able to win her heart. I'm sure of it. With your dark heart, do you think you can successfully move her heart? What an impossible daydream!"

"Do you think you can win her heart then?" Sahasra questioned as she turned to his direction again.

Dylan raised his chin proudly. "Pretty sure."

"Knowing that I love her, how could you think of snatching her away from me?!" Sahasra pointed her sword which was already covered in blood at him. "I'll kill you!"

"So will I." Dylan also took out his sword.

Sahasra smirked at him. "Oh, really? Don't forget about my nickname though."

"Oh C'mon already!"

Sahasra squinted her eyes dangerously at him like a tigress who was ready to hunt her prey.

Thereafter, she ran towards him, lifting her sword in the air.

Pouncing on him, she roared, "Hyaaa!"

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon