49. I'm sorry!

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Evelyn squeezed her eyelids when sunlight dropped on them, trying to wake her up. She let out a growl and turned around to the other side of her bed. The day before, she stayed awake all day to finish an interesting book all night. Thus she felt tired to open her eyes. Even her body had no strength. Plus she was upset too because the story started so good with sweet nothings and so on only to end in a terrible way. Female lead said goodbye to male lead and went to where she was, in heaven and male lead remained immortal as a human, mourning every day for his lost love. When she finished it, she threw it outside the window, not wanting to spare it another look.

"Aren't you going to wake up, lady?" Evelyn heard her mother's voice up close. She wasn't ready to show her true colours to her. Hence she tried hard to sound respectful as possible as she could when she said, "No, mother. I'm tired a little. Lemme sleep for a little longer."

"Everyone praises that you are such a good young lady with great etiquette and proper manners. But only I myself know how lazy you are. You never wake up early." Lady Hydra huffed.

"Mother." Evelyn opened her eyes and looked at her, her eyelids almost drooping. "I'm not lazy. I just couldn't sleep at night."

"Couldn't sleep? More like you DIDN'T sleep. As a lady, you must get a beauty sleep to maintain your body. See. You look like a panda in China. Be careful or else someone might attack you mistaking you for a panda." Hydra's voice filled with mockery, making Evelyn lose her patience.

"Mother." She stopped herself on time and secretly counted down her breathing. "Don't be so mean. Why did you come here by the way? It's still early morning." She looked at the sky through the window.

"Early morning?" Hydra smiled in disbelief. "It's half past six. How can you say it's early in the morning?"

Evelyn looked at her mother with her mouth agape. "What does early mean to you then?"

"Of course four thirty or five."


Hydra suddenly facepalmed herself. "Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. The princess expects to have a tea gathering with you and that painter boy. What's his name..."

Evelyn's eyes lit up and she almost jumped up in joy. It had been a whole month since Zadhea left the palace without even talking to her. She didn't know where she went or how she was doing. She soothed the uneasy feeling in her heart by thinking about her bestie's amazing fighting skills. As a distraction and a way to reduce her loneliness, she read books all the time, forgetting about everything including who she was.

She quickly rushed to the bathroom asking, "When did she come? Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

Hydra sighed and shook her head. She still couldn't remember that painter's name. So she gave up trying.

"What? Oh! She came early in the morning. You know what, the queen couldn't hold herself when she saw the princess. She ran forward and hugged her tightly, crying without caring about her image."

"What happened? Why did she react so dramatically?" Evelyn tilted her head.

Hydra glared at her. "Hey! She came to the palace after a month, lady. Did you forget that? Moreover, it says they had a grudge against eachother for a few days or so because of a misunderstanding."

Evelyn nodded understandingly. She also knew how much the queen wanted Zadhea to act like a proper lady all the time, making her feel sick to her stomach. Because of that, Evelyn also disliked the queen, naturally..

"Are they okay now?" She asked with less interest.

"Seems like they are. The princess hugged her back but didn't cry. Just whispered something to her while stroking her back. I couldn't hear what she said though."

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now