56. Former Fiancé

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When Zadhea opened her eyes again, she was shocked to find herself inside a dark cave. When she tried to stand up, she was pulled into the same position as the iron chains that tied her wrists and ankles, made an ugly 'slan slan' sound, reminding her of the dangerous animals caged in her father's zoo. They were also locked up using iron chains. By any chance, did she become one of them?

Zadhea knew it was useless trying to break free from those chains. Instead, she thought of staying there calmly, saving her strength, waiting for the perfect opportunity to escape.

As she remained silent, a dark figure appeared in front of her, whom she recognised quite easily just like before. Unlike the first time when she exclaimed his name excitedly, she was actually quite disappointed this time. "Dewinn," She called out to him coldly and tiredly. "What's the point of doing this?"

Dewinn laughed at her question. It wasn't a friendly laughter. Instead, it sounded evil. "Who's Dewinn?" He asked with a cruel smirk that didn't fade away from his lips. "I'm Devill. More devilish than the devil himself with an extra L. DevilL! Got it?"

Zadhea was scared when she saw his different, psychopathic personality. He looked like a nut case, making her soul shiver inwardly. "What are you..."

Before she could finish talking, an old man interrupted her by coming towards them with loud strides. Zadhea's gaze fell on him as her brows furrowed. Is this old man his teacher?

The old man also spotted the girl and wore an ugly expression on his face. "Doesn't she agree with you? Shall we move on to next plan?" He asked the young wizard while putting the old wooden box he brought with him on a table carefully.

"Aye, aye. You prepare everything. Meanwhile, lemme clarify the misunderstanding she's having. She trusted me so much after all."

Dewinn or maybe 'Devill' smirked at Zadhea and squatted on the ground, close to her.

Zadhea felt like she was having a terrible nightmare as her heart panicked at his close presence. She didn't want to believe what was going on. Her two blue gems like big round misty eyes fell on Devill's black eyes as she kept her mouth shut, asking for an answer, her eyes screaming pain. She felt... Betrayed.

"First of all, let's talk about king Foneth. My story needs some changings if you don't mind." Devill smirked wider. "He's not at fault actually. He never killed innocent magicians. It's a sweet lie I told you. Very sweet, isn't it?" He winked.

Zadhea widened her eyes as disbelief flashed across them. "That means he didn't kill families who were engaged in magic and sorcery?"

"Smart." Devill clicked his tongue. "Continue guessing."

Zadhea looked at him and his master respectively when she suddenly realised something terrible. "That... That wizard who tortured the people in Rodwef, is actually... Your master? King Foneth only wants him?" Her eyes unconsciously fell on the busy old man.

The old man, in fact, looked kind and gentle but if someone observed him closely, they may find out the darkness in his heart through his eyes that looked like two faintly twinkling stars, hidden beneath two wells as his eye sockets were hollow like in the near future, his eyes would bury inside them forever. His sunken cheeks showed how old and rotten he was.

"My father," Devill corrected her as he pointed his chin at the old man who was busy mumbling something. "He's my father and of course, you are correct, love. We are the true villains here." His words ended with a sinister laughter.

Although she guessed it, Zadhea still felt shocked. She shook her head in disbelief. "You... Do you think I'll help you after everything you did?" She asked, almost yelling. "Not in this lifetime!"

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