95. Loving sisters

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Zadhea felt like her mind was in turmoil. Her blue eyes collided with his deep green eyes, which looked intense as if he wanted to swallow her whole. Her entire being froze drastically, and for a moment, she felt clueless. She had already made plans for her future. But at that moment, trapped in his gaze, she felt like her soul was wavering like a stick in the mud, not having any idea of what to do.

'No, no, girly,' her mind warned. 'Collect yourself. Don't rush to make a decision just yet.'

Zadhea lowered her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her nerves before meeting his eyes again, this time with confidence. "Prince Heidith, I request you to have your lunch first. Meanwhile, give me some time to think about it."

Heidith sighed inwardly. In his opinion, there was nothing left to think about. The moment their parents decided their fate, there was no turning back. They were royalties. Some duties, they had to fulfill them whether they were truly willing to do it or not. As for him, he didn't find it difficult to accept his destiny with the Edwina princess. He thought as long as he could be a good husband to her, everything would be fine. He knew that Zadhea must accept it too. Since she didn't have someone else she liked, why would she hesitate to give him a chance? He wasn't lacking anything!

Even though he thought in that way, Heidith didn't say it out loud. Rather, he agreed to her request and silently had his meal in a graceful, solemn manner. While eating, he didn't spare a single glance in her direction, giving her the space she needed.

However, it was quite the opposite with Zadhea. Her eyes automatically landed on his figure from time to time. 'Aww, He's so cute when he munches like a fluffy cat eating its biscuits.'

'Hey, stop looking at him. You must concentrate,' her mind scolded her angrily.

'Oh yes.' Zadhea began analyzing the situation with a frown as she became serious.

'When I think about it, I feel like it's a good thing to agree with him this time. He has done so many things for me, and I shouldn't be heartless anymore. It's not like I have to return whatever he has towards me. As long as I behave well, everything will be fine.'

'Moreover, if I refuse him every single time, he might suspect something. He might think that something is wrong. I don't want him to learn about my plans yet. It'll ruin everything. Plus, winning his good side will be an advantage for me for the time being.'

'It's just dating, not marrying! What's so difficult about it? Plus, in that way, he'll realize that I'm not the one for him. It'll make it easier for him to forget about my existence when I leave this world one day.'

'If I push him aside again and again, it will only ignite his desire to be with me. As my royal grandma once said, men want what they can't have. But once they have it, they're more likely to lose interest. So Heidith will lose interest in me. I have to prove to him that I'm not a special girl so that he'll eventually get bored.'

'So... Let's date, boy.'

By the time Zadhea made up her mind, Heidith was about to finish his lunch. When he realized how impatient she looked, he paused his actions and turned to face her, hiding his own anxiety. "Have you decided yet?"

Zadhea fluttered her eyelashes. "I guess so."

"So what do you say?" Although he appeared nonchalant, only Heidith knew how fast his heart was beating. He even feared that it would come out of his chest any minute. Each passing second felt like pure torture to him. He was dying to know her answers. If he could, he would peek into her mind to see what was going on in it. His eyes examined every expression she made, searching for the positive answers he needed.

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