61. Chocolate cupcake

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After the meeting, it was lunch break. Both new and old students gathered in the giant dining hall. It wasn't like a canteen or cafeteria. Students had to eat what they were given. Usually, every meal was top notch. Unlike rooms, everyone received the same food despite being poor or rich.

Zadhea tried to sit next to Evelyn since Lucas went somewhere saying he had something important to do. However the two chairs next to Evelyn's were occupied by two girls. The princess could only sigh and look for another seat. When she found one in a corner, she hurried there and sat comfortably.

When she grabbed some rice and filled her bowl with two scoops of them in silence, Zadhea felt like she returned to her old self. When she was in highschool as Minosha, she always shut herself from everyone. She just wanted to stay silently like she was invisible. It wasn't like she liked or disliked it. It's just she was used to be alone. Sitting alone, walking alone, living alone since her mother was in hospital, she was alone for a long time. Fortunately, she was still adjusted to such a lonely life.

She was an introvert pretending to be an extrovert sometimes.

When she was about to take a bite, she heard someone say, "Ungrateful."

Surprised, she turned her head to see someone whom she wanted to avoid the most.


"What are you doing here?" She asked unhappily while putting down her spoon.

"My shoulder is injured." Heidith looked at her pitifully. "Can you feed me?"

Zadhea almost stood up from her seat when she heard him. "Hell no!" She blurted out. "You have your best friend to feed you."

"Derek?" Heidith felt ridiculous. "Are you blind? See how he's filling his stomach." He turned Zadhea's chin to Derek's direction. "Look."

Sure enough, that playboy wasn't eating by himself. There were two brunettes sitting by both of his sides, feeding him while gigging from time to time.

Feeling disgusted, Zadhea tried to look away but her chin was tightly grabbed by an iron plier. She pinched his arm and yelled in a low voice, "Hey, let go of my chin."

"Oh." Heidith let out an awkward chuckle before releasing her. "Sorry."

Zadhea sighed and turned her body towards him. "Listen, vise president..."

"Eww!" Heidith wrinkled his nose. "Don't call me that. Just call me by my name."

"Dear Rodwef prince..."

"Gosh! Is that my name?"

"Your highness..."

"Seriously, Zadhea Edwin? Are you for real?"

"Then..." Zadhea grinned. "Future husband?"

"..." Heidith's ears turned pink as he became silent. He lowered his eyes, feeling too shy.

"Hee hee, can you say that again?" He whispered after he managed to overcome his shyness. He wanted to hear that again. Again and again...

If he could record it, he would listen to it for hours, maybe a whole day. He would listen to it every day without getting tired.

Simply, he loved it.

"What? Heidith?" Zadhea laughed cruelly in her mind.

"No!" Heidith pursed his lips. "You called me future husband, didn't you?"

"Oh really?" Zadhea scratched her chin. "Why I can't remember such a thing?"

"Zadhea!!! You are sooo mean!"

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now