27. Cynthia's curse

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The pond Simon took them to was a large one. It looked more similar to a river rather than a pond. The villagers as well as big and small animals satisfied their thirst by drinking the water from this pond.

In summer, the water level would reduced in half. It was a considerable amount of water. Thus, to Simon, taking them across the pond was an easy task. Moreover, he was stronger than an average boy in his age.

As they sat down on the boat, the boys and girl observed the surroundings silently, immensed in their own thoughts.

After like an eternity, Heidith broke the silence.

"Will it take forever?" His voice was a bit impatient. No, no. A lot impatient.

Derek scoffed but didn't say anything. He decided to treat Simon as air because he couldn't win by arguing with him. Clearly he was angry with this dude.

Simon raised his eyebrows at his question before laughing. "Ha ha, can't you see how BIG this pond is?"

"Exactly. It's abnormally huge!" Mishila agreed right away. "I have never seen a pond as big as this. Isn't it weird?"

"There's a myth regarding this pond," Simon began. "It says this pond was actually a river in the past. It turned into a pond because of a curse."

"A curse?" Suzamine gushed. "Interesting."

"Yeah. Do you want to know the story?" Simon asked enthusiastically.

"No need," Derek rudely replied.

Simon rolled his eyes at him. "What's wrong with you, dude?"

'Dude?' Derek frowned. It was the first time in his life he heard someone address him like that. Not even his good brother called him dude. How disrespectful!

"Don't call me that," He bit out angrily. What a worthless guy! How could this poor boy treat a noble man like him so horribly? He should sentence him to death.

Simon brushed it off as usual as he began telling the story. His melodious voice rang through the air as the water made ripples, adding music to it.

"There was a lady called Cynthia. She was a duke's daughter. But instead of marrying a noble suitor, she eloped with a servant. But her destiny was truly filled with misfortune. That dude was a bad guy. He robbed the jewelleries and other valuable stuff she brought with her before leaving her."

"He left her?" Mishila gasped. "But why did he do that?"

"He didn't love her that's why. All he needed was a title and her wealth. Unexpectedly, her family cut her off of her property as well as her position as a noble lady. As a result, she became worthless to him."

"What a jerk!" Mishila glared at Gronald.

Gronald: "..."

The poor guy was flabbergasted. He wasn't the one who left Cynthia for goodness' sake!

"What happened after that?" Iven asked curiously. "Did she curse him?"

Simon shook his head. "She loved him too much. She couldn't bring herself to curse him. Instead, she chose the river that made them apart to vent her anger and sorrow. After robbing her, that dude took a boat and paddled it across the river, showing her his back."

"She cried and begged him to take her with him but to no avail. She cursed the river to become a pond and died on the spot, heartbroken by love. What a sad story, right?" Simon sighed as he finished the story.

"In the end, the river became a pond. Now everyone addresses it as pond Cynthia."

"This pond is called Cynthia?" Heidith was surprised and not surprised at the same time. "What about Nuciferas? Is there a story to Nuciferas as well?"

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