54. Planting the seed of doubt

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Kingdom Tallmountain...

It was a country filled with gigantic mountains. There were tall and short mountains in any direction people laid their eyes on, especially mountains with sharp peaks. Waterfalls, rainforests were everywhere, making the country glow with natural beauty. It said deity Nadeera, who was the goddess of green colour, favoured this country the most.

Tallmountain lacked almost nothing. It was powerful in every way, scaring the neighbouring countries around it. No one dared to oppose the king in Tallmountain. He was a middle aged king, actually an emperor named, Sarchain Hieubill the great.

Emperor Sarchain had a weakness. But that weakness left him when he was thirty two, making him a stone-hearted man. He never showed mercy to anyone. He didn't know what kindness meant. In his opinion, the world was filled with darkness and if someone wanted to live affected by nothing, he had to be darker than the world. So he tried his best to be darker. Because of that crazy desire, he added 'Dark' to his name, forcing others to call him as 'Lord Dark' instead.

In Kingdom Tallmountain, there was a poor girl named Dreva Cristal, living as a maid to a duke named Ferocious. He was as rude as his name indicated. However, his wife was the worst. She despised everyone around her. Not a single servant without patience was able to survive in such a hell like mansion.

Nevertheless, Dreva was different. She was always patient and caring, becoming friends with everyone around her. She was like an angel, agreeing to whatever duchess Nikeera commanded despite how difficult and unbearable it was. Sometimes, Nikeera's orders were extreme to the point of driving someone crazy. But Dreva faced everything with a positive mindset. She always thought everything happened because of a reason and one day, sun might visit her dark chamber.

Her wishes came true sooner than she expected.

A letter with the signature of Ashenara academy changed her entire life.

But of course, she had to pay a huge price for it.

Duchess Nikeera clutched the yellow envelope in her hand, almost crushing it. She didn't like Dreva. Rather, she hated her to death because even her husband, a merciless man just like his king, actually showed some softness to that little bitch. Her eyes sparkled in malice as her throat let out an evil laughter that screamed hatred.

She didn't want Dreva to go. Although she felt disgusted to see Dreva's face, she didn't want her to leave the mansion. That way she could torture her endlessly while enjoying it to bits. But she knew she didn't have another choice left. If her husband knew how poisonous she was towards Dreva, she very well knew that it would be the end of her.

"Dreva," She called out to the girl kneeling in front of her with a slightly trembling body. She looked as weak as a wounded deer much to Nikeera's satisfaction.

"Y-yes, madam," Dreva stuttered while looking at the marble floor, not daring to lift her head.

"Why did you apply for that exam secretly? You want to die early?" Her creepy voice made a shiver run down Dreva's spine as she trembled harder than before.

"Ma-madam, It's a free examination for everyone. I-I thought I'd better apply for it since I read books..."

Nikeera screamed interrupting her words. "Whaaat? What the hell did you say, you little chick?! You slut, you piece of stinky garbage! Good-for-nothing, useless bitch! Dead soul!" She vent all her uneasiness and fury on Dreva. "What did you say? You dared to read books? How could you, bitch? How could a bitch like you read books? Do you think you deserve to learn? Dream the fuck on, you ugly, tiny stain!"

Dreva felt tears gather in her eyes. She tried her best to hold them because Nikeera hated tears the most. If she dared to cry, she would skin her alive.

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