35. A special person

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A/N: Where are my readers? I wish I can learn your opinion about my story! But unfortunately, my lazy readers don't leave comments 😞 Positive or negative, I don't care. Just tell me what you feel!!!

Heidith was stunned to hear a girl cry heartbreakingly. He stood up from his spot and went Towards the direction where the sound came from. There he found the person he had been waiting for hours.

Princess Zadhea...

He squinted his eyes but didn't plan to approach her. He saw her horse groan, catching her attention.

Zadhea went up to her horse and hugged his neck, still crying, while hiding her face in the horse's neck.

'Why does she cry so much? By any chance, did that guy break her heart?' This thought made him feel worse. He thought of ignoring her. However, he knew that he couldn't just leave her all alone. Deep down in his heart, he was scared of her safety.

'What if she faces a trouble?'

He racked his brain to think of a way to send her back to the royal castle without meeting her face-to-face. Nevertheless, he couldn't find a suitable method to do so. 

"Baby girl," Someone's gentle voice broke the silence in the forest.

Zadhea stopped weeping as she looked up. There she found a hero.

"Father!" She mumbled before running towards him. She hugged him tightly as she hid her face in his chest, her cry became even louder.

Zadhea thought of King Edwin as her real father and oldest best friend. She felt relieved and secured around him. Her heart was about to explode from pain. She could only lean on a shoulder to calm down. King Edwin was the perfect candidate.

"It's alright. Let's go home obediently, okay?" He patted his daughter's back lovingly while talking patiently.

At that moment...

The commander of the army that escorted the king to the forest saw a black horse from afar.

"Your majesty, there's a suspicious looking horse!" He yelled, alarmed. "I think it belongs to an enemy!"

Heidith's body tensed up when he heard that. It was Darcel! If they were able to recognize his horse, then he would be exposed too!

He wasn't ready to meet the princess for the time being.

'Aaah I'm done for!!!'

The king frowned. "Check the matter," He commanded, not releasing his daughter from his embrace.

Zadhea stiffened a bit. 'Does it belong to Dewinn?' However, she kept hiding in her father's arms, not daring to think further.

The commander was about to check the horse when it suddenly flew away like an arrow, vanishing without a trace.

"Damnit! Ehem, Your majesty, it seemed like the horse ran away."

"Nevermind." The king sighed. "It might have gotten lost in the woods. Let's not get bothered."

"Aye, your majesty." The commander officer bowed down to the king respectfully.

Heidith and Zadhea heaved a sigh of relief simultaneously.

After coaxing his daughter for little longer, the king eventually decided to go back.

Heidith, who was still hiding behind a tree, looked at the father-daughter pair's disappearing backs with mixed emotions in his eyes.

When the huge army completely disappeared into the distance, he came out from his hiding place.

"Darcel!" He shouted, a bit anxiously.

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