40. Dylan (2)

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Warning: This chapter contains some disturbing scenes. Read at your own risk.

"Oh god! My babies!"

An old lady screamed as she clutched her chest in deep sorrow. All her hard work, the clay pots she spent hours to build, now shattered into pieces as they scattered all over the place. This scene alone almost made her pass out. However a hysterical laughter of a man distracted her.

He laughed as he pointed his finger at her. His yellow teeth looked rotten when he opened his stinking mouth to speak. "Ha ha, look at this old bitch! She calls these damn pots her babies!"

Another one chimed in for the fun. "Ha ha. Looks like this slut slept with clay to make babies."

The first man clicked his tongue. "Old bitch, why didn't you invite us for making babies? We should have given you more fun. Our babies are better than these." He kicked a large piece of a pot closer to his foot in disgust.

"Looking so old, how can you be so lustful, slut?"

There were more than five men gathered in the place. They all looked giant, muscular and had similar looking bold heads covered in tattoos that showed the words, Dragons' club.

They had huge, terrifying looking tattoos of dragons letting out fire all over their arms. They only wore pants and their chests were exposed. The evening sun rays dropped on their chests and glistened because of the sweat all over their shirtless upper bodies.

They looked dangerous.

The people from the village watched the scene from afar, not trying to help the poor woman. They were as poor as that old lady. No one had the courage to prevent the giants from destroying her workspace.

They could only mumble to eachother while giving the old lady some gazes filled with sympathy. If they also couldn't pay the coins in time, the same fate would happen to them.

Another giant came out of her hut holding new four or five pots in both of his hands. "Looks like she has some more babies. What do we do brothers? Should we kill them as well?"

"Oh nooo! Please stop!" The woman screamed from the top of her lungs.

"Shut up, bitch!" The giant next to her gave her a tight slap across her face which made her fall helplessly on the dusty ground. The old lady tasted blood from the corner of her mouth. Her left cheek hurt so much like it was on fire.


She saw them throw her pots to the ground without a slightest mercy. Her whole body shook in fright. She silently cried while lying on the ground, her hands covering her head.

Her son who was addicted to taking drugs asked for all of her money before leaving the house for days. She lost both her son and money she worked hard to gain. As a result, she couldn't pay the rogues in time. Because of that, she had to suffer their torture.

"Look at this bitch!" Someone roared as he pulled her up from the ground by her white hair. The old lady squeezed her eyes shut. She felt like her scalp was being ripped off. Despite being in massive pain, she didn't struggle much, afraid of provoking the giants further.

The giant gangster tore open her upper clothing, revealing her chest.

"Look at her breasts," He exclaimed in a mocking tone. "The sight of them makes me puke for a whole day!"

"They look like loofahs," Someone else added.

The old lady tried to cover her deteriorative, crumbling breasts using her hands. Her aging breasts indeed looked unattractive due to her age. They were hanging down, her brown big nipples almost touching her stomach.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now