4. A stalker?

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Time passed in a blink of an eye. Little Mimosa turned five. As soon as she learned how to speak, she pleaded with her parents to call her by her second name.

So little Mimosa became Princess Zadhea.

She wanted to do that only because that name Mimosa made her feel suffocate. It always reminded her of her past life as well as her role as the villainess.

It reminded her that she was just a fictional character of a trashy romance novel. To reduce her distress, she chose her second name. Plus, It sounded cool to her ears.

She got determined to fulfill her duty. She wanted to go back as quickly as possible. So instead of becoming obsessed with the male lead, she chose a different pathway to become a villainess.

They were destined to become rivals. Why not choosing that?

With the help of her father, she learned swordsmanship as well as other skills that would be useful during battles. She wanted to learn everything to become a ruler, not a wife of a ruler.

She lifted up her first sword when she was only three years old.

Queen Margaret was obviously not happy with father daughter duo's behaviour. She even protested to that idea by saying that she couldn't possibly fight with a boy who'd be stronger than her. She wanted her daughter to practise how to become a proper lady but Zadhea refused that and stubbornly left to practise with her father.

She had two options created in her mind. First she would become a great warrior and fight against the male lead. Second was the same. But the outcome would be different.

If she won against him, she would kill him without a mercy. In that way, this novel world would be destroyed as well. He was the male lead so this world was indeed based on him. Just like that, she would be able to return to her own rightful world.

If she lost, she would happily get killed by him. The result would be the same. She would go back to her own world. So it was a win-win situation for her.

She just wanted to try her best. She wanted to become the best villainess. Not a useless, damsel in the distress type one or a rude, selfish one. She didn't want to get herself dirty by acting like a bad bitch. She just wanted be herself. At the same time, a competitive, worthy of fighting rival.

"Mother queen, I'm going on a stroll," Princess Zadhea informed her mother while packing her bag.

Queen Margaret very well knew that what this 'stroll' thing meant.

Zadhea knew that her mother disliked her practising fighting skills, archery and swordsmanship. So whenever she went for practice, she let her know about it as a stroll instead. A princess having a calm walk. Hee hee!

As usual, Queen Margaret ignored her daughter with a 'Hmph.'

As for Zadhea's granny, she supported her with everything though she also liked to see her granddaughter getting married to prince Heidith. But of course, she wouldn't tell her that. She would act like a good grandmother until the right time arrives.

"Grandma, I'm leaving."

"Be careful, darling." The old royal lady stated with so much love in her eyes. Then she handed over some snacks to her.

"Eat whenever you feel hungry. Don't force yourself. Take regular breaks."

"I know, thanks grandma." Zadhea replied with a smile before leaving the palace to go to her private courtyard where she practised.

This time, King Edwin was busy with some matters outside the palace thus he couldn't join with her as usual. Instead, one of his most loyal knights accompanied her.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now