74. Deal

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"What?" Zadhea swiftly got out of her comfy bed as she wore a fluffy coat over her plain blue dress. "Let's go see him!"

"What?" This time, it was Evelyn. She thought Zadhea wouldn't care about his injuries. Seemed like she wasn't that heartless. It made Evelyn feel so happy as she nodded her head continuously like a rattle. "Let's go, let's go."

Along the way to the infirmary, Zadhea questioned a little nervously, "What happened to him? How did he get injured? Is he alright now?"

"I also don't know. Derek is the one who asked me to inform you. He didn't say anything else."

"I see."

When they arrived there, Evelyn hesitated before turning to her friend, saying, "I'd better go. You can visit him alone and tell me about it later. I won't be a third wheel."

"Wait, Evie..." Zadhea helplessly saw her bestie disappear. She didn't waste time to chase after her as she directly pushed open the door, entering inside.

When she saw Heidith's back that was covered in blood along with broken skin, her heart sank. She knew how flawless his back was. But now...

"God! What happened?" She subconsciously blurted out, attracting everyone's attention.

Stella squinted her eyes in displeasure when she saw her. She approached her and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Zadhea raised her brows, observing the blonde before her.

Stella had blonde curly shoulder length hair along with a pair of silver eyes.

'Why does it have to be a blonde again?' Zadhea thought in amusement before speaking, "Such an audacity! Who are you, blonde? A girlfriend? Don't you know that a fiancée is superior to a girlfriend?"

Both Heidith's and Stella's faces darkened when they heard her.

Stella was about to say something back but before she could, Heidith spoke first. "She's not a girlfriend. She's the secretary of the students council."

"Oh." Zadhea nodded understandingly before turning her gaze back to the blonde in front of her. "Ms Blonde... Sorry, I meant Ms Secretary, did I pronounce it correctly? Sekratari... Or whoever you are, can you move aside? I want to see him properly."

"What's there to see?" Stella scoffed. "After everything you did to him, you still want to be shameless enough to visit him? Isn't that crown prince enough for you? You want Heidith too?"

"Excuse me!" Zadhea glared at her fiercely. How the hell could this blonde call him Heidith when everyone calls him vice president or what..!? This little lotus! I hate such women who pretend to be innocent saints!

"You are excused," Stella smirked.

Zadhea snorted coldly. "Ms Secretary, whether I want to see him or not is none of your business. This is our personal life. Please stay out of it."

"I'm not just a secretary." Stella gave her a look of disdain. "I'm a FAITHFUL friend of his." She deliberately emphasized the word 'faithful' hoping to hurt Zadhea's feelings and she succeeded.

"She knows everything," Heidith chimed in. "No need to act like a caring, gentle fiancée in front of her, Ms Edwin. You can leave. I don't want to see you right now."

"Just leave." Stella grinned politely. "Or else, your presence will make his injuries worse. He got wounded trying to save me after all. How can I let him suffer when he did so much for me?"

Zadhea ignored Stella completely as she kept looking at Heidith. He was lying on his stomach on the hospital bed as the physician applied herbs onto his wound, cleaning his blood.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now