37. Yours

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"Darling, drink some more, okay?" King Foneth said to his wife while putting a spoon filled with soup in front of her mouth, coaxing affectionately.

"No!" Queen Ezra directly refused, shaking her head from side to side. "I can't drink anymore. I'm already full!"

"Think about our child, dear. He must be hungry..."

Ezra stroked her flat belly lovingly. "No, he's full as well. I can feel it. Don't you dare force me, humph!"

"Okay, okay. Pardon me, my queen." The king chuckled softly as he threw his hands up in the air, surrendering to her. "You know better than me."

"That's more like it." Queen Ezra raised her chin proudly. However her smile soon got replaced by a sigh, much to her husband's distress.

"Aaah, I miss him so much!" She sighed again.

"Who?" Foneth frowned. He wasn't happy about her missing someone else when he was right there, sitting by her side, even neglecting his work. He was displeased and jealous.

"Who else?" Ezra glared at him. "Of course, my precious son!"

King Foneth's frown disappeared as he grinned mischievously. "What? Isn't he with you already? Sleeping in your womb..."

This time, it was Ezra who furrowed her eyebrows. She gave her husband a bombastic side eye. "Fool, I'm talking about my Loveinger! Not Seronne!"

"I know, I know. Just kidding." The king laughed at her childish behaviour. She looked so cute when she was angry.

"He has sent a message saying that he returns to the palace by evening or maybe night. So don't worry."

"Whaaat? Why are you saying that now? You should have told me the second you got the message! So careless! So reckless! So irresponsible!" Ezra snapped at him angrily. This time, her anger was real.

"Aiyo, dear. I wanted it to be a surprise for you. That's why I didn't tell you right away!" King Foneth felt wronged for being accused by her.

"Humph!" Ezra looked away. "Whatever. Why didn't he come with you? Doesn't he know that I feel worried!? Bad dad, bad son!"

King Foneth covered his forehead using his hand. It was the third or fourth time he heard that question and accusation.

"He isn't young anymore. Don't worry about him that much. He's a big guy."

"A big guy?" Ezra widened her eyes in shock. "Loveinger is just eighteen, okay? Just eighteen!"

"I married you when I was sixteen and had him when I became eighteen. I already became a father at his age! Why do you think that he's a child? He should have gotten married and had kids already."

Queen Ezra became speechless as she blinked her green eyes.

In the end, she could only say, "Still, in my eyes, he'll always be my little boy who cried for milk. Awww, I miss his baby self. He was so cute when he was a baby. Big green eyes..."

"Just like yours." Foneth added lovingly. He loved his son's eyes the most because they reminded him about his beloved wife. Dark green eyes similar to fresh leaves. They were so beautiful and captivating.

Ezra smiled slightly as she looked away, her face turning red in shyness.

That evening...

Prince Heidith got down from his horse's back as he greeted the king and the queen in a solemn way.

After all the formalities, he was able to have a chance to be with his mother alone. The moment they sat on the sofa in queen Ezra's chamber, Heidith gave her the flower he had been protecting for hours.

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