34. Tears of love

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A/N: Phew, this is the longest chapter I've written so far 😪


Minosha glanced at the tall hospital building with misty eyes without blinking. Her soft, lean body started trembling uncontrollably. Her school uniform greeted the wind while soaking in sunlight. Although it was hot outside, she felt cold all over.

I feel like an eternity since I last saw it.

That thought made her exhale a long, deep breath.

However, she wasn't there to examine the hospital. Her purpose was to take a look at her mother.

Even if I am about to die today, I still want to see her.

She approached the entrance and went inside directly. Then she looked around for an elevator.

It's been so long. I can't even remember where the elevator is...

A young man in his early twenties arrived at the hospital and brushed past her silently. When she saw him, her eyes lit up. Maybe with his help, she could find the elevator or the staircase.

Luckily, the young man knew where the elevator was. He pressed the button and waited for the door to open before going inside, still silent as a dead person.

Minosha quickly followed him, her mood improved a lot. She thought of taking a good look at him who could make her feel at ease although it was unintentional.

The young man looked like a college student or an early worker. He didn't look poor, rather his style screamed money.

Tsk, a rich guy.

Even though she experienced what wealth was after becoming a princess, she was still as poor as hell as Minosha. But of course, she was determined to change it by working hard. She wanted to make her mother's life a comfortable one.

The young man was so handsome. His thick eyebrows, straight nose, thin lips, wide forehead, sharp eyes could make others look at him a few times more no matter what the gender was. Same went for Minosha. She couldn't help drowning in his beauty.

Aaah, focus! What has gotten into you?

Maybe it was the side effect of becoming friends with a girl like Theresa. Minosha, who never cared about boys, noticed a handsome guy for the first time in her life. Of course she had seen many handsome males as Zadhea. But it was MINOSHA'S first time.

She must wash her eyes with holy water!

Again, this Richie guy was the most handsome man she had ever seen. To be honest, he was even more handsome than that stinky prince!

Minosha shook her head and looked away. She didn't want to get distracted.

Being handsome or pretty was just too much. How could beautiful people have such a huge influence on others so greatly?


On the other hand, the handsome guy didn't even spare a look at her. He was silent as a rock or a giraffe. It seemed like in his eyes, there was nobody else in his small elevator world. As for Minosha, she might be an extinct creature.

Poor girl!

Minosha felt a bit awkward to stay in the same place as him, all alone especially when he treated her like air.

"Ding!" The elevator door opened and the couple stepped outside, one after another.

Minosha didn't bother to care about that Richie guy anymore. She looked at the wrinkled paper in her hand as she checked the numbers. The paper showed the ward where her mother was staying.

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