102. August & June

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"Why is she not well, Zadie? What's the problem with her?" Sully turned to her and asked calmly, trying to understand the situation.

"She..." Zadhea clenched her hands. "She has a kidney problem. She needs a donor, but we couldn't find anyone since we're so poor." She let out a self-sympathetic chuckle. "Miserable, right?"

Sully lowered his eyes. "Not at all. It's not your fault, Zadie. You should..." He felt a pang in his heart. He knew very well how much it hurt to lose loved ones. He himself lost his parents, his beloved grandmother, his girlfriend whom he loved more than his own life, and his newborn son. Actually, he was more miserable than Zadhea in that aspect.

At least, she could still hold onto hope.

Unlike him...

"You should hope for the best. Don't let go. She'll be alright one day."

Zadhea's eyes filled with tears. "I keep telling the same thing to myself over the years. Don't worry, Sully. I'd never lose hopes. I'll try my best. I won't give up until the very end."

"That's my girl," Sully tapped on her shoulder kindly like a big brother. "By the way, if you allow me, I can make her feel better. With my powers, although I can't help her to recover completely, I can still provide her with some temporary comfort."

Zadhea's eyes lit up instantly. "What? Really? Sully, can you really? I... I'm... Like more than happy. Truly."

"Yeah." He removed his hoodie, revealing his fair face and mesmerizing purple eyes. His nose looked like a parrot's beak. His eyebrows were so thick. As he closed his eyes, he made a white glittering ball using his hands, earning gasps from his friends. Then he let the ball go inside the woman's body through her nostrils.

Zadhea's mother's whole body radiated the white glow until it slowly dissipated.

Zadhea kept looking at her enthusiastically, hoping to see her open her eyes. 'Mom, just this once. Please open your eyes and look at me.'

With a trembling hand, she was about to touch her cheek when the door to the ward pushed open loudly as a nurse came inside hurriedly.

"Who are you?" She looked at them suspiciously. "What are you doing here? Don't disturb the patient's rest."

"I'm..." Zadhea opened her mouth to explain, but Sully didn't let her. Clutching her wrist, he pulled her outside the ward, saying, "We are leaving. Sorry for the inconvenience."

The nurse rolled her eyes. "Nasty teenagers."

Then her eyes fell on the patient. 'Hmm? Am I hallucinating? Why do I feel like she's glowing all of a sudden?'

"Why did you do that?" Zadhea pulled her hand out of Sully's grip roughly as she felt irritated. "I'm her daughter!"

Sully shook his head. "Not anymore. They are familiar with her daughter. Zadhea, you are no longer her daughter. Please accept the truth."

"No, she is," someone said, gaining their attention.

Zadhea's eyes widened as she realized that it was the same rich guy whom she assumed was her handsome cousin brother.

What was he doing there? Maybe... He also came to visit her mother?

Cyan looked at Zadhea solemnly. "I'll save her. Don't worry." Then without waiting for her response, he turned around and left into the ward, closing the door behind him.

For a strange reason, Zadhea felt like she could believe him.

She felt as though a huge burden finally lifted from her shoulders.

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now