90. Newborn baby

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"What the hell are you doing?" Feristo questioned, raising his voice when he saw Stella cooking meals for Heidith in the main kitchen, just as usual.

He couldn't take it anymore. Why was she like that?

"Heidith didn't return with his fiancée yet. So he won't eat your food today too. Why are you wasting ingredients and your time like this?"

"Shut up!" Stella slammed the knife she used to cut vegetables hard on the kitchen counter. Her face became red, and she looked furious like a monster. Without stopping there, she started throwing whatever touched her hands to the ground, breaking fragile stuff. Not long after, the kitchen appeared like a battlefield.

Stella was angry and hurt. She didn't know why they hadn't returned yet. Her mind couldn't help but wonder, thinking that he had fun with his fiancée. It made her sad and jealous. Although things were like that, she still thought of making breakfast for Heidith only to listen to her brother's nasty words.

She instantly lost her patience.

"Oh my god!" The main chef saw the mess, and his jaw dropped to the floor. "What did you do to my kitchen?"

He forgot something in the kitchen, and when he came back to take it, he had to face an unexpected scene. He never knew that a gentle lady could act like a vicious monster. Had she always been like that?

"You need to pay for the damage. Never set foot here ever again," the chef scolded her angrily.

To be honest, although the kitchen staff let Stella use the kitchen all these days, they weren't very happy about it. She didn't wash the dirty dishes properly. After she washed the utensils, they were still oily, and she didn't even keep them in the original places. The staff was upset with such behavior. However, they remained quiet because they knew Heidith was a royal prince, someone whom they shouldn't mess around with.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of this," Someone said from behind, making the trio look in that direction simultaneously.

"Father," Both Ferry and Stella spat out in unison, looking shocked.

"When did you come here?" Feristo asked as he came to his father's side.

Duke Dacre ignored his son's question and gave his entire attention to the chef as he looked sharply at him in the eye. "I guess I can take my children with me now."

"Of course, my lord." The chef nodded vigorously, bending his upper body ninety percent. He knew he could do nothing against a duke. Not to mention that he was from Kingdom Tallmountain, one of the five most powerful kingdoms in the world.

Duke Dacre and his children went to the school garden and sat around a table made of stone. One of their maids prepared some tea for them along with snacks.

Taking a sip from his teacup, the duke spoke, "What's the situation?"

"Ask that question from your precious daughter." Ferry folded his arms on his chest, looking away, becoming upset.

Duke Dacre raised a brow at Stella, motioning her to talk.

Stella glared at her brother and then shifted her gaze towards the duke as she clenched her fists. "I no longer want to do this mission. I quit."

"May I ask... Why?"

"Because I don't want..." Before she could complete, Ferry butted in, "She loves that guy."

"Whaaat?" Duke Dacre's eyes widened like they were about to come out of his eye sockets. "Is that true, Lady Stella Dacre?"

Stella took a deep breath and nodded her head firmly. "Yes, father. I'm in love with Prince Heidith."

The Villainess's Oath: I'll Kill The ProtagonistsWhere stories live. Discover now