24. Cannon fodder, little cutie

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"Heidith's adoptive sister as well as a cannon fodder who fell for her non-relative brother."

"What? Tell me more! I'm all ears..."

This information was too interesting. Zadhea straightened her back and perked her ears, indicating that she was eager to listen.

Evelyn became excited as well.

"Here we go. Mmm... Okay! When Heidith's mother became pregnant with his brother, he was honestly happy. From an early stage, he had a liking towards herbs. He often read medical books and carried medicine with him wherever he went. Hence, he knew that flower Nucifera was good for pregnant ladies. There was a rumour that if a lady eats a Nucifera, she won't feel pain when she delivers the baby."


"Yeah. Queen Ezra wasn't young anymore... So he was determined to get that flower for her at any cost. But Nucifera was a national flower in Edwina. It only belonged to our kingdom. Needless to say, the day after the engagement..."

"He went to find Nucifera." Zadhea completed the sentence for her.

"Yep." Evelyn nodded her head.

"What does it have to do with Nishella?"

"He met her in a bar. Actually that bar was situated in a forest. It was an illegitimate bar, that's why."

Zadhea's eyes darkened when she heard that. Duh! To him, his mother was important indeed but seemed like alcohol and women were most important. Really! Why can't men live without rubbing their little brothers?

"And then?"

"There was a lot of drama. A pack of wolves attacked them and Heidith killed the wolves with the help of his knights and friend. After that, spent the night inside a cave. By the time the drama was finished, Nishella already fell for him. She told him her pitiful story that her father was addicted to gambling there and he got loads of loans. To pay the debts, he sold her to the bar. Bla, bla, bla."

"Was Heidith interested in her?"

"Hell no! He noticed her because of the flower that was on her head. Guess what? It was a Nucifera. Unfortunately, it was the parting gift given to Nishella by her mother. When Heidith heard that, he no longer wanted it and asked where to find them. Another drama and after they returned to Rodwef, Heidith asked the king to adopt Nishella. King agreed and that day on, the poor girl became a princess."

"But as the saying goes, when you get an inch, you want a mile. She wanted to become the empress. Am I correct?"

Evelyn pondered for a moment. "Kinda. Actually, she had another plans. First, she became friends with Mimosa and helped her to bully the female lead. She was weaker than the main villainess. She could only support Mimosa with her schemes. As for what happened next, I can't quite remember. I think Heidith discovered her in the end but I don't have a clear memory."

"I see..."

"But one thing for sure. Mimosa was superior to her although Nishella had Gronald, that shadow knight's backing."

"Gronald?" Zadhea knew that he was one of Heidith's three knights. But she couldn't understand why he helped Nishella.

"Nishella reminded him his cousin sister who passed away because of a mosquito bite. She looked like her, pitiful and innocent. Because of that, he vowed to himself to become her brother."

"Oh. Brother sister love."

Evelyn sneered. "What brother sister love? She was clearly taking advantage of him! Because of that, his marriage with Lady Evelyn broke apart."

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