Chapter 39: Capture the Flag

Start from the beginning

I walk over to her. "Looks like someone isn't prepared for fights." I say, "What a shame."

"Back to your normal lives." Hunter says. We all go back to what we were doing.

Marie and Jerry struggle to reach the train cart. Hunter helps them up, as well as Garrett.

Once everyone is in, I begin my speech.

I explain the rules about the flags, and then finish by saying, "Hunter and I will be the team captains.

"I don't want to be on either of their teams. They're monsters." Alyssa glares at us. "You can either be on a team, or you can get out of the train and walk yourself to factionless. What'll it be?" I say, the instructor in me kicking in.

"Ugh." She stands up. "Forget you all. But I'll stay." She glares at us. "Good choice." I say, turning and walking away from her.

"Let's choose teams." Hunter suggests. I nod. "You first." He says. I remember my father's plan for Capture the Flag. "Ty," I say. He stands beside me, holding his gun.

Alyssa practically gags. I point my gun at her. She stops immediately.

"Malory." Hunter says. She's a Dauntless Born. Hunter and I know them all.

"Adam." I say. He steps up beside me, so close that I can feel the heat radiating off of his body. "You, what's your name." Hunter says, pointing at Jerry. "Jerry." He says, and goes to stand by Hunter.

"Marie." I say, my voice becoming more on edge by the second. "Hannah." Hunter says. "Garrett." I say.

"Alyssa." Hunter points to her and she joins Hunter's side.

There's no way I'm letting that psychopathically inclined initiate freak be on my team. No way.

"Trey." I say. I glance at Hunter and he smirks. "Carson." Hunter chooses.

"Blaze." I say. "Jennie." Hunter says shortly. Then he smirks at me. I rub my fingers on the flag in my back pocket. "Lisa." I say.

Hunter finishes by saying. "Sofia."

"Alright. We're almost at the course for Capture the Flag." I say. "My team will jump off first."

With that, I leap out of the train into darkness. It hurts my feet on impact when I land, but the pain is gone in seconds. Ty follows, and all of the initiates on my team do as well.

"Where are we going to hide the flag?" I ask. "In a building, maybe?" Ty suggests. I nod.

"Follow me." I say. I run through the dew coated grass and moss to an abandoned building.

I step though an open window, and walk to the corner of the room. I hang the flag on a stairwell rail, and wait for everyone to arrive.

When they arrive, Adam suggests an idea. "We could have four guards, two guard the flag, and two others shoot anyone near at the windows; and three on defense. It's logical." He finishes, the Erudite coming out in him, full strength.

I nod. The other team should be jumping off now; we have some time to get situated in our places before the other team attacks.

"Blaze, Lisa, and Trey and Marie are guards. Garrett, Ty, and I will be on defense." I say. The Dauntless Borns are stronger. They will make better guards.

I also chose Marie and Trey to be guards because they aren't very fast. They're good at shooting though, so they'll be good.

"Let's go." I say, and step out of the abandoned building, my gun ready. I dash across a field, and to the bushes. I hear the pop of a gun, and I crouch.

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