He got whacked again but that's fine since it didn't hurt. Lol.

While half of Izuku's mind was rambling, his real intent and the other half of his mind was focused on scanning the room. He might have to come here later and he wanted to have a look around. In case there were certain places he could easily escape from.

The room had a window next to the two beds or cots where Bakugou and Uraraka where placed on. Iida however was placed on the floor randomly still in the stretcher that the droids had brought him in on. Aparently he wasn't that injured...

Izuku almost doubles over with laughter but he manages to keep his composure and a straight face. There was a desk and chair with a small cabinet probably full of medications next to the door. 

The nurse and hero, Recovery Girl was a short, stout woman with graying hairs and a serious expression that was cheerful and stern at the same time. Only experienced grandmas could master such a look. Terrifying.

She was glaring at Izuku right now and Izuku quickly hurries over to his friends sides, he doesn't want to be smacked on the knee again. Without even looking at awake Bakugou, he hurries over to Uraraka's side.

"Are you alright?" Nod. "What happened?"


"Yes what happened?" Iida asked wanting to put in his opinion.

Uraraka started taling, "Basically what happened was that blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah... and then he shot his arm gauntlet towards me and it hit me blah blah blah blah and then I flew backwards because it exploded blah blah blah blah blah blah blah..."


Izuku really didn't care about what had happened during their fight, but the fact that Bakugou shot his arm gauntlets like a bomb spiked Izuku's interest. The machine was probably simple, something to store the sweat that was related to Bakugou's quirk. The machine would probably have to find a way to activate the whole thing, leading to different sized and strengthed bombs based on teh amount of sweat inside the bombs...

Very useful information that Uraraka was giving out freely. In fact she was sort of like Yuki... (guys hahahahahaha Yuki... omg hahahahahhahahahha)

Anyways, he looked over at Bakugou who hadn't said anything since Izuku had entered the room. Which was weird. 

The poor boy was acting not like himself at all and he was looking midly around the room.

Uraraka notices where Izuku is staring at and she beckons him closer, before whispering in his ear, "Bakugou's been acting kind of weird you know. Earlier after Recovery Girl healed us and we both woke up, he appologized to me for hurting me like that. Saying scary things like he didn't mean it..."

Izuku almost died of shock. There was no way that Bakugou would ever do that. He may have gotten nicer and decided to stop bullying people. BUT! For Bakugou to appologize for something he did... that was something Bakugou would never be able to do. His pride wouldn't be able to happen. Bakugou what happened? 

Recovery Girl had been eyeing Izuku as he was walking around the room and interacting with her patients. She finally sighs and turns towards Izuku.

"You're Nijima Aoi right? Any injuries?"

Izuku shakes his head and she sighs again, "All right... do you know Bakugou well? Can you tell me if something is wrong with him, I mean like as far as you can tell?"

"Um..." Izuku says slowly, "I guess he's been acting weird, lately. I mean I don't really know him that well but... yeah I can say that he's acting pretty weird. hahahaha."

Recovery Girl sighed and nodded, "After I treated him and he woke up, I did some tests on him since he was acting... well nice... I've met this child once before during the entrance exam and he definetly didn't act like this. In fact, today when he woke up he thanked me."

Izuku didn't know whether or not to laugh or cry. What was going on? Should he be with the personality development of his childhood tormentor?

"I thought he was on drugs or something." Recovery Girl continued, "So I did some tests, and well it's obvious. It's not that he's been doing drugs, he's been drugged by someone. It's some sort of truth serum drug to force people to tell some sort of truths."


What?! Bakugou ... drugged with a truth serum? HAHA


Again I'm going to add an A/N for the next chapter explaining what's happening.

And again I'm just going to say that I believe certain medical and scientific miracles should be possible in their age.

(1356 Words)

It's kind of short sorry... I'm sort of tired right now.



No one left (UA civil war/Vigilante)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora