Filler pt 2

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After that last meeting, Jaemin had never seen Jina again. Apparently, she traveled to another town with her grandmother as a merchant to make money, learning nothing more than that.

As for Jina, her life went askew.

"What if I bought you three drinks?"

She smiled at the drunk alpha, slipping his tip in her pocket, and just like that she went to serve the next table.

"J, you have a customer in the V.I.P. private booth!" Her boss shouts over the blaring music. She grabs a couple of drinks and walks through limbs of scents that gave her a headache. A drunk omega tries to kiss her, making her grimace. People here were worse than animals.

"Good evening, Sir," she smiled pleasantly pouring his drink. She looks up and almost drops her bottle.

"Hello Jina," Renjun smiles.

She must've been shocked pretty bad because his scent was so strong for a mere beta like her, her atmosphere seemed hazy, and dizzy, and eventually, she passed out.

When she woke up she felt someone stroking her hair. She blinked in confusion and looked up, seeing someone reading a book. He must have felt her tense because he put the book aside.

"Hey, you're up?"

Again, scents were messing with her senses. Instead of pulling away, she dug her face into his belly, somehow soothing her headache. She pulled away when she gained full self-awareness.

"Renjun? What are you doing here?" She scrambled off the bed and looked around, feeling fearful.

"We met yesterday and you passed out, remember?"

"Oh my god! My boss is going to kill me," she thinks, her headache worsening. It was so hard finding a job that paid enough, although not respectful it was keeping her alive.

"It's okay, you don't have to go back to that awful place."

"Yes, I do. It was nice meeting you," she rushed towards the door, filled with humiliation at running into him after a year.

Her eyes widen in shock seeing Jeno who opened the door, Jaemin behind him.


Lavender and ocean, firewood and musk, cinnamon and coffee beans .

She coughed, but at the same time lowered her head in submission but that was only met with a snarl.

Jeno shook his head, trying not to let his instincts jump out of his chest.

"We've been looking for you," Jeno says, noticing her tense up.

"I think we should freshen up and talk over breakfast," Jaemin says clapping twice before a maid walks in dragging her away.

After Jina disappeared they sought to find her where she was found to be working in the city. They were all shocked to find out the way her life had changed...

"Don't you smell our scents?" Renjun asks, as she sat calmly during breakfast or was she pretending?

"Yeah I do, it's weird."

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