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⚠️👺😢🫣😳 Mature Warning

Today they were at Jeno's beach house. They had a floaty for Rita who Jeno was paranoid about holding her as she waddled her feet and splashed the water excitedly.

Jina didn't have a swimsuit, so she bought herself one when they went shopping. She was uncomfortable with wearing a bikini so she wore a one-piece. The top had straps and consisted of white and pink colors, and the bottom part was similar to very short shorts, somehow the thought of her buttocks spilling out mortified her.

"That's the most revealing outfit you've ever worn," Jaemin whistled. She kicked water in his face to shut him up.

"Just looking respectfully, sheesh," Jaemin scoffed. Jina noticed her daughter having fun and waddled in the water to where she was with Jeno.

She went in to get drinks when she got a message from Kayley. A voice message.


She was crying as she explained how her boyfriend kicked her out and how she had nowhere to go. Jina explained this to the guys.

"Do whatever you want, it's your friend," Jeno says as the other two nods in agreement. So she gave her the address. And she came in 10 minutes later and looked sullen and upset. Truth be told, Jeno didn't want any strangers coming to their house, and neither did he want Jina to meet up with someone like her, he didn't trust her.

She hugged Jina at the door and sobbed. She brought her to her room and made her a drink to comfort her.

"Why can't nobody ever love me? I'm good at everything and I was so good to him, Jina. He had the audacity to break up with me," she sighs. They talked about random things to distract her when she brought up something.

"So you say you're all married right? What is it like with three guys? I'm so jealous."

Jina hid the discomfort that was starting to show on her face. "That's a strange question," she smiled it off.

"It's not, girls always talk about these things... say, have you ever kissed a girl?"

"Um... Um no, I wouldn't want to haha," she chuckled awkwardly.

"Guys can easily leave you, but girls can form strong platonic relationships."

"I guess it depends on the person," Jina shrugged.

Kayley laughed. "Trust me, honey, guys prioritize body over heart. Even if they tell you that they love you, soon their eyes start drifting to other women. That's why women have to learn how to make it interesting for them."

"I'm pretty sure that's called lust, there was never any love in that relationship."

"I'm sure women would never do that," Kayley says as her eyes drift down her face and body, Jina stiffens in confusion.

"Jina! I made noodles, come have some!" Jaemin shouted.

"Let's go, he makes good noodles," Jina says standing up in a rush...

She was very comfortable talking to them, asking questions, and getting to know them all while Jina listened.

"Anyways, you have the ocean out there, can I go for a swim, right?" She asks after lunch.

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