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Jina walked inside the big building she once came to mop its floors. She racked her memory and went to where Jeno's office was, a bit overwhelmed by all the people and their fancy office outfits. This was a five-star company. Most of the time she forgot who Jeno was. To her, Lee Jeno was still that cute boy who excels in everything he does. Someone who she felt safe with and someone who reminded her of a cute puppy.

But to the public image, he was seen as a monster. A boy of 20 is already a CEO at his age. Parents compared their sons to him, not only was he successful but he was known for being ruthless. He had shown the world a cold face.

She walked in but was stopped before she could turn into the corridor to his office.

"Do you have an appointment, Miss? You can't go without one," she says, already opening the files to check the remaining appointments.


She had texted Jeno that she would come and he texted back to let her know he ends around 7 which is why she was here now, but the male was nowhere to be seen. She had asked Renjun to come with her but he insisted she went herself since she hadn't spent much quality time with the boy since her dramatic appearance in their lives and Jaemin was curled up in bed, suffering from a migraine.

"Doesn't Jeno end at this time?" She asks and the lady paled by the mention of her boss so informally.
"That's weird, he said he would," she says, mainly talking to herself.

"Ma'am- who are you?" The lady asks looking more and more worried. Jina pondered the question.

"I'm his.... friend? girlfriend?" she says unsurely and that's all it took for the lady to jump on the phone.

"Get in here, now! Another delusional psycho broke in!" She hissed on the phone and Jina's eyes widened when the door slammed open as three large men in suits walked in.

"Empty your pockets!" One of them yelled at her, his hand reaching for his gun. She put her hands in the air and felt her heart palpitating fast. Was she in the wrong place?

"I- What the fuck is going on?" She cussed as two males approached her grabbing her by the arms as they dragged her out.

"Wait! I don't understand! What did I do wrong?!" She yelled trying to resist them. She felt humiliated, confused, and on the verge of angry tears.

"What the fuck is going on in here?!" A louder voice boomed over the commotion. Everyone froze, even the security guards, and in a second, the room was engulfed in pin-drop silence.

She felt a strong pair of arms pull her back and looked up, letting out an exhale of relief seeing Jeno.

"Boss, she broke in here," one of the guards spoke.

"No, she didn't. She's with me, she's allowed to come into my office whenever she wants, remember her face," he says darkly before spinning around to glare at the other coworkers. He turned and glared at the front desk lady.

"This is an office, we deal with things properly. Don't raise your weapons or panic unnecessarily unless the situation seems threatening. Oh, and you're all fired," he says and Jina's eyes widened in surprise.

"Wait, it's my fault! I didn't know any better and she was just protecting you, it's okay Jen, they're learning," she says softly, and it was as if her voice had a magic of its own to calm him down.

"I'll let this be, then. Another mistake and-" he made a motion of slicing his neck watching all his workers gulp nervously and look away.

He grabbed her hand and marched away, to anyone else- it may have looked like he was going to cause a storm elsewhere.

Once the elevators closed, his nasty scowl turned into a guilty puppy expression turning to face the girl. "Are you okay, Nini? Did they hurt you?" He asks softly.

"If you didn't come in sooner, I was about to fight physically," she says, blushing as she raised two fists.

"Good to know my girl is still a fighter," he chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her swaying side to side slowly. Jina burned red, these boys did make her feel like she was still that young version of herself from the past, the way they were so sickly sweet made her feel like a baby.

"You're clingy," she can't help but snap.

"Would you believe me if I told you I was as clingy as Jaemin?"

She laughed at the thought but then again. There were things she didn't know about them.

"Speaking of Jaemin. What happened today?"

She felt the male drop his arms from around her. "It's a matter between us, you don't need to concern yourself with it," he says walking out. She furrowed her views on confusion but kept her mouth shut.

"Are you ready to go?" He asks once they had reached his car.

"Yeah. I'm ready"


Seeing his big familiar house had caused her to squirm nervously. She had received the support of all her boys' parents except for Jeno. She was hoping things would go smoothly.

Jeno wasn't confident so they picked up Renjun who got ready and his baby ready too. Jaemin trudged along, his head still hurting but a lot better than it was before.

The Chinese pecked him on the cheek before sitting in the car with the baby and Jaemin sent him a glare, scoffing at him in disgust causing Jeno to roll his eyes. Jina noticed this and felt the tension aching her insides. 'Were they always this immature?' She found herself wondering.

They drove in silence, just tuned into the sound of Renjun humming a pretty tune for the baby who was half asleep...

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