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⚠️ Trauma and Suicidal Ideation

They were gone again when she woke up that morning, she missed Jeno again. At this point, everything she wanted to ask was slipping from her mind.

"What's my schedule today?" She asks Kun who was kind enough to make her breakfast.

"You'll have to leave Rita at the daycare today again, Jeno got you two appointments."

"Huh, what for?"

"The first one is with a good Doctor, the second is a Yoga session for destressing."

It was very random, but she had nothing else to do. Thankfully the outfit for today was a lot more laid back compared to last time, it was an elegant baby blue top with puffed long sleeves and a mid-length matching pleated skirt, it was plain but matched with a lot of jewelry and similar makeup to last time, except he went for red lip tint and more eyeliner.

"Is this always necessary?" She asks once again having a staring contest in the mirror.

"Yes, you'll get used to it," he says as he puts half of her hair up with a fancy clip.

"Isn't the lip color too much?"

"It compliments today's outfit," Kun shakes his head. "I can't have you looking like a child, Ma'am."

She was caught off guard by an unfamiliar Versace purse in his hands.

"What's this?"

"It's Mr.Lee's gift again, it was shipped this morning."

"Are you kidding me? How much did this one cost?"

"I'm guessing a little less than 2,000."

She stared at the object wondering why it was worth more than her this whole lifestyle was.

"I'm not going to question it this time, I'm ready to go," she says slinging the bag on her shoulder carefully. She stared at the heels before her in distaste, at least they weren't the high stilettos from last time.

The doctor's check-up was a little intimidating. The doctor was a middle-aged lady who was super nice until she stuck her with a needle and took blood samples, and physical testing was second to traumatizing although she was used to it from her time in Juvie.

"Do these scars hurt?" She asks referring to the knife carvings on her back

"They get itchy at times," she says trying her best not to react.

"I'll recommend an ointment, and a a dermatologist if you'd like."

"Alright," Jina shrugged quickly pulling her shirt down, the doctor seemed a lot more serious after that.

"So far you seem physically healthy, but we'll check the blood work and get back to you in a couple of days, but I strongly and I mean highly recommend you see a mental health professional, I'll recommend a good few nearby," she says looking into Jina's eyes seriously intimidating her a bit, Jina wondered what the woman thought of her.

Her yoga session was rewarding after that intense appointment. It was awkward since she had a private instructor who was very passionate about her job, pushing Jina to work out, she never expected Pilates and yoga to be so difficult, but by the end, she realized she felt a lot less stiff."

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