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"Stop talking like that! People are giving us weird looks!" Renjun hissed, smacking Jaemin's arm.

"It's good for the baby! You know they can hear everything, right?" Jaemin whined.

"I don't think it developed its ears yet," Renjun sighs as he rubs a hand over his tiny bump.

A loud squeal startled them, they spun around seeing that it shockingly came from Jeno who was holding a pair of tiny shoes.

"Oh my god! Look at how fudging tiny these things are, it's so cute!" He squeals making them all smile from his excitement.

"Rita, you're gonna be a big sister soon. Isn't it exciting?" Jina whispers to her baby. She looked up at her in confusion but was quickly distracted by a pretty-looking set of fairy wings.

"FAEWIII!" She screeched, stretching for the item. Jina had a mini heart attack pushing the cart away from it. She pointed to the item, whining to show that she desperately wanted it.

Jina panicked looking at the price. The lilac transparent wings came with a similar colored dress and a mini tiara. She started to cry when she didn't
get what she wanted to get the boys' attention.

"Aww, little cutie wants to be a fairy princess?" Jaemin squealed picking up the item teasingly, pushing Jina away. The baby giggled in happiness as her legs kicked in giddiness.

"Appa is good, Mommy Bad!"

"Bad Mommy, Bad Mommy!" Jaemin joined along making her jaw drop in offense.

"It's not that expensive, it's okay," Jeno says with a smile placing the item in the cart.

"Her happiness matters but please let's not spoil her in the future, I don't want a brat for a child," Renjun adds.

"Pfftt, are you kidding me? If she becomes a brat it would be because she takes after you. You're the brat," Jeno joked.

"I'm not a brat Mr. Jealous and Immature Ass who likes to act like a CEO when in reality he's just a little soft puppy, ain't that right, love?"

Jeno and Jina's jaw dropped, although the comment was not directed to her she felt roasted regardless. She chuckled seeing Jeno's face turn red and eyes widen.

"Truly a power bottom," she snorts.

"Says another bottom," Jeno snaps.

"You forgot the power. I hold the power too, Jen."

"Sure thing Miss Too-sensitive-too-touch."

Renjun gasps as the roasting between the three continues. Meanwhile, Jaemin wasn't focusing on anything they were saying. His eyes were trained on a teddy bear but he was examining his surroundings. He felt an odd chill up his spine, he felt that he was somehow being watched.

He turned to put the item in the cart but he was looking around from the corner of his eyes spotting a black-clad hidden figure behind one of the aisles of clothes and although he couldn't see their face they were looking at him.

"Enough of this, let's check out our items," he says loud and coldly catching the three by surprise as he stormed off with their cart.

"You guys go on ahead and head home, drive safe. I have a few things to do," he says, he makes eye contact with Jeno who looks at him in confusion by his sudden coldness yet he still drove away without him. Jaemin walked down the street turning into an aisle.

He stood with his arms crossed when the man entered the aisle a few moments later.

"You're following me, aren't you?" Jaemin snickers catching the culprit off guard. His smile quickly vanished when the person removed their mask.

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