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Both of their eyes widened as they shared a knowing look before looking back at Jina.

"You sure? You won't be uncomfortable?"

Jina cringed by how formal they were but her absence in the past two years caused them to fall apart and she missed out on a lot. That fact made her a little sad. She knew her avoidant personality was to blame, everything still felt like a fever dream.

"You two can take the bed. Keep Rita between you and make yourselves comfortable," she instructs. She turns around and saw that they were both wearing comfortable clothes so she didn't bother herself about it.

"Where are you sleeping?" Renjun asks.

"Don't worry about me. I have things to do so I'll be awake for a long time," she says with a small smile as she closed the door. She sat at the kitchen table. With her laptop, she was looking for job offers and affordable college options.

She didn't notice her eyes drooping on their own, eventually falling asleep with her head on the table.

She dreamt a horrible dream. She saw them walking away with Rita away from her. She was calling, screaming out but they didn't hear her and her body was disappearing from existence.

She woke up with fright. Her eyes wide at the lamplight which blinded her for a second before she saw Renjun's face before her.

She gasped immediately sitting up in surprise but quickly regret it as her neck was badly cramping and her right cheek numb.

"Come and sleep now," he says gently, pulling her up from her chair.

"I'm sleeping on the couch," she says causing him from halting in his actions. He spun around to look at her, especially her eyes.

"There's space on the bed though," He says, a bit confused by her.

"It's fine. I'm fine," she says as she made her way towards the couch. She was stunned that the older followed her.

"I'll sleep with you," he says and without a word, he lay down on the couch and pulled her to lay on top of him with her head on his chest and his arms around her protectively.

She stayed silent but her eyes widened in the dark and her breath held back painfully along with her heartbeat which seem to boom in her head.

"Relax. We always used to sleep like this, remember?" He chuckled softly and as if it were magic she melted and the tension left her body but there was that same feeling again. That she was in a dream.

"You're pregnant. You should be in bed," she says although she didn't mean it. She liked being cuddled by the older.

"I prefer this though," he frets holding her closer. "I haven't held you like this for ages, it's almost a crime," he sighs deeply as he brings his hand to her chin tilting her head up so he could look at her face.

His eyes slightly widened when he saw a tear slip out from her eyes. Glowing from the moonlight it sparkled as it fell to his chest right where his heart was.

She hid her face into his chest and although it was silent he felt it getting soaked. She was crying.

He felt heat rush behind his eyes as well. His loose hold around her tightened pulling her up so he could place kisses at the top of her head.

"Was my baby scared?" He whispered. His eyes shut tight when he heard a small choke-like sob escape her throat and her hands clutched his shirt tighter.

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