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Jaemin woke up to loud laughter. He opened his eyes and sat up. He fell asleep on the couch yesterday. He looked in front and saw Rita awake climbing over her mom who was sleeping deeply.

His eyes widened getting up to rush to the baby before she could smack Jina's already damaged head.

He lifted her as she flapped her arms, her legs were kicking in and out as she made incoherent noises.

"Appa," the baby finally said which he understood. He suddenly felt emotional holding the baby, this baby was theirs and she recognized him as one of her fathers. It brought happy tears to his eyes.

"Your Appa is here now," he chuckles bringing the baby closer to his chest.

"Appa stay?" The baby asks, eyes wide. He giggled nodding his head.

"Now that we found you we're never letting go," he says with a warm feeling filling his chest...

Renjun was awake the whole night and had time to process things. Jeno had to go to work early morning to leave him to himself.

He called Jaemin.

"Hi, Injunie," has greeted, sounding cheerful. "Feeling better?"

"Yeah... Jina... When will she be discharged?" Renjun asks not knowing why he felt nervous.

"In another hour," he replied. "I'll drop her home then come to you".

When Jina was discharged she was worried about the costs since she didn't have insurance yet but they let her go saying someone paid for it.

At the moment she was in Jaemin's car. He insisted on taking her home. He wanted to bring her to his apartment but she reasoned all of Rita's things needed were left at home.

The area seemed familiar before realizing it was Renjun's same apartment. "You live here?!" He asked smiling widely.

"Yeah, why?" She asks furrowing her brows.

"Renjun lives here too," he says excitedly, surprising the girl. They both get out and walked in. When she finally reached her door Jaemin was grinning wide.

"Renjun lives right across from you!" he says knocking at his door. She gasped seeing him answer the door.
Renjun also froze seeing her at his door. His eyes widened.

"Renjun she lives across from you! Isn't that great," Jaemin beamed.

"Papa! Papa!" Rita began kicking in Jina's arms. Renjun blushed becoming flustered at the baby until he remembered this baby was his doing. More of a reason to get flustered and shy.

He took the baby carefully who looked as if she were going to jump and stared at her in awe.

"What's her name?" He asks quietly.

"Huang Rita," she replied making his eyes go wide."You gave her my surname?"

"I mean. She's your daughter," Jina says with a shrug. Renjun felt emotional looking at the baby, all sorts of emotions whirling inside him, and his mind kept repeating that this baby was his, her existence is beautiful.

🆂🆀🆄🅰🆁🅴🅳 2| SEQUELजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें