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The four of them sat around a circle, it was late into the night but there was not an ounce of sleep on their faces.

They decided to talk it out. Jina learned that Renjun killed Jay's king-lost lover, the guy she killed the both situations they had a gun pointed at them, it was a live-or-die situation that used all means of defense.

It traumatized Renjun that's why they never brought it up.

As for Jaemin, he ran away from home and struggled to make money during the time they separated and he refused Jeno's money, for some reason, he thought it was a good idea to ruin himself but he regretted it, understanding it was stupid.

Jeno doesn't have an excuse either, he can't control what his family does but she would have loved to hear it from him.

They sat down and scrolled through the messages she received getting visibly upset. She also learned that Jay's lover was a gang leader's best friend, who was out for their throat for revenge.

"Is someone trying to kill me? Please be honest," she asked, a bit tired that she couldn't rest her mind and body.

"They're not going to kill, Jeno's grandfather is trying to expose him and put him on probation. Then Taeyong planned to take down all the important figures within the gang so that they're weakened enough to end as a whole gang." Jaemin explained. "The more power Jeno has the less likely they are to touch him."

Silence stretched as she processed this information, Renjun was looking visibly queasy.

"Since we talked about us... we want to hear about you," Jaemin breaks the silence.

"It's not important—"

"We had a deal," he says through clenched teeth.

"It really isn't, prison is the most dehumanizing place in the world, both the prisoners and the guards adapt to certain roles. I was charged with murder and rape, so I was coded red. I was considered very dangerous."

She watched the color leave Renjun's face, deciding it was best to look at how Jaemin fiddled with his hands instead.

"I was also mentally unstable and suicidal, being there made me go insane for a while so I became violent. Of course, I eased up when I found out I had Rita, she was born prematurely due to my foolishness and taken care of by an institution, I was only allowed to see her once a week."

Jaemin's hands were clenched so hard so she looked down at Jeno's feet instead, not sure if it was any better that he was shaking his leg anxiously.

"A lot of the inmates broke out into fights, Due to my big mouth they pulled out a tattoo gun one day and-" she motioned with her hands then quickly dropped them realizing it was silly. What else could she do but joke about her trauma?

"You... tried to kill yourself?"

"Rita saved me," she replies to Renjun without trying to break down, she hated being so vulnerable.

"Did you at least punch them in the face?" Jaemin asks.

"I broke their noses, I was always good at that," she says chuckling a little to push down the sob that wanted to rip out from her throat. "I'm fine now, honestly. I moved on."

"Can I see it?"

She shook her head. "It's not worth seeing."

"But it is, please?" Renjun pleaded.

Hesitantly she stood up, it was Renjun who carefully lifted her shirt, his face losing color the higher he went.

"I'm so sorry, love," Jeno croaked kissing the biggest scar on her back.

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