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They arrived at a luxury hotel with an entire room on the top floor full of people she didn't know, only recognizing a few close relatives, Jeno's aunt and his parents.

"Oh my, looks who's here. I'm glad you could make it!" Aunty reached her first, now Jina understood why Jeno bought that dress, the occasion was a lot fancier, and she was sure she saw a few people drunk.

"It's nice to meet you too," she replied, keeping it short.

"Jeno you should bring her over more often, are you trying to keep her locked up? Haha."

He ignored her and soon she was approached by a second person.

"This is my grandmother, she attended our wedding," Jeno introduced her. Jina gulped nervously and greeted her.

"Nice to meet you, please enjoy the night," she says, although her tone is cold, walking away to talk to the next person.

It was greeting after greeting, no one seemed to provoke her in any way and were friendly, it was only until Jeno and Jaemin were dragged away in a conversation and Renjun who was conversing with Mrs. Lee who also seemed alone was approached.

"It's nice to meet you, Jina. I was curious who the lucky bride is, well aren't you a beauty?" A lady approaches her, looking in her mid-thirties."

"Thank you, and who might you be?"

Wrong words, her polite smile stretched robotically, eyes turning into slits. "A family friend of the Lees, my husband is a major stockholder for Jeno and his father's business. I'm sure you've heard of the DYE franchise?"

The self-talk goes on for a long time, and eventually, more ladies fit into the conversation, talking about their lives.

"Oh yes! I heard you had a baby, you and Jeno must've been so in love." Another lady says while giggling. "Then again they're young, it's explainable."

Oh here comes the slander

"Please do give us some tips, you seem to be skilled since you have three men haha."

Kun didn't lie when he told her to expect people to react to her a certain way coming from a common background.

Jina giggled alongside them. "But your husband seems to love you though, considering how close you two looked so far. You suit each other so well."

The lady named Sena was another business partner of the Lees, and her husband was a lot older than her, it was obvious she married him for money, and Jina couldn't stand pettiness when she saw it.

She smiled knowing she hit a nerve.

She cleared her throat, looking flushed. "So, what is it that you do? Are you going to work at your husband's company?"

"No, I heard you're a housewife. You must be living a nice life huh? You're so simple"

That alone proved to Jina that Aunty Lee liked to gossip a lot.

"I guess so, why, what is your day-to-day life like?"

She glanced at Renjun across the room, begging with her eyes to help her escape the useless conversation. He seemed to understand as he naturally snakes into the convo.

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