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Jina forgot to wake up at her usual time, she was running towards the bus stop. If she hadn't run she would have missed it.

She didn't have a driver's license which made it a bit difficult to get around for her but it was a struggle she could handle.

As for where she was so urgently headed off to? Her part-time job.

She was trying to raise enough money to go to school. It was a struggle for money as it had always been for the girl but this time a baby instead of an elderly she was looking after.

Most of her jobs were night jobs. The baby was always asleep as she did her work. Her bosses were understanding of her and she appreciated it.

She had a total of five jobs. One job was a convenience store, the second a restaurant, the third a 24-hour supermart and her day job which she got recently was cleaning.

As of right now, she was mopping the floor of a store's bathroom. She would have to clean the entire thing and surprisingly got paid well since public bathrooms were so filthy.

Jina became desensitized to a lot of things at this point, she was a girl who could do anything as long as her baby was well-fed and safe.

It took a whole hour before she was done. Her boss gave her the envelope of money before she had changed and went on her way.
She was making her way to buy groceries. Not buying too much before she headed back home.

She was tired but couldn't seem to sit down and rest. She always seemed restless and on edge so she began to unpack a lot more. She got most of it done.

Her stomach grumbled in annoyance so she walked over to her pantry. She took out a ramen bowl, topping it with cheese and sausage before placing it in the microwave.

For her baby, she put rice in the rice cooker and took out chicken to defrost.

She barely finished her noodles before she saw the time for her next bus. Again, she was on the run and made it just in time to pick up Rita.

"She cried a few times but had a lot of fun too. She slept for half an hour as well," Donghyuck says. The baby screeched seeing Jina. She began to babble excitedly reaching her chubby arms out to be held.

Jina smiled weakly, scooping the girl up. "Thank you so much, Donghyuck," she smiled at him warmly before walking out. They two watched her go till she was out of sight.

"We're probably just tripping," Donghyuck chuckled, shaking his head in disbelief.

"But they look the same, exactly like her," Jisung says, eyes squinting at the door where she left...

Jina's energy was drained and the baby was refusing to eat her soft rice and chicken bits. She sighed tiredly until a wicked idea popped into her head.

"Appa is saying you need to eat," she says, closing her eyes as she put her hand against her ear.

"Apapa?" The baby babbled, eyes getting round and sparkly.

"Huang Rita, you better eat or I'll be sad," Jina says crossings her arms and pouting. "That's what he said."

The baby complied and ate her food. She placed the child in her baby carrier securely against her body and walked out once again, forgetting to eat the ramen she microwaved. She still had more jobs to do.

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