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Their honeymoon unexpectedly was coming to an end. Renjun didn't remember the last time he felt this happy, his usual moodiness didn't affect him.

They tried many new things. They rode a boat, went water skiing, and discovered the recreational sites of Jeju Island. Jeno was satisfied with the hundreds of pictures he took.

Taeyong had confirmed that they were indeed being watched but this was nothing new for him. The moment they went home, it was as if his soulmates were slapped into another world.

"What's going on?"

Renjun looked around in discomfort including Jina who was double-checking if they were in the right place.

Outside their home stood bodyguards, she only recognized Taeil, and her eyes widened.

"Mr. Moon? What are you doing here?" She smiles genuinely, he was a superhero to them.

"Hello, Ms. Kang. It's great to see you too, I'll be working as your driver," he gives a respectable bow, taking her back.

"Meet Hendery and Xioajun, they'll be your personal bodyguards and this is Kun, he will work as a butler. He's in charge of the employees and your schedules."

Jaemin and Renjun knew these guys, they worked in Taeyong's gang, and they were close, especially with Renjun, but the two greeted them as if they were strangers, and they did the same.

Renjun and Jaemin shared a look of confusion as they turned to Jeno.

"Why do we need all this?" Jina asks, no longer feeling the comfort of what a home should be.

"It's because of Jeno, he has a high status, as his partners the attention will fall on us," Renjun explains.

She watched in astonishment as she took their bags without a word, a maid came to her holding her hands out to take the baby, she backed away and shook her head, smiling apologetically.

"Why are you acting so surprised?" Jeno asks frowning at her reaction.

"I'm just not used-"

"You have to get used to it, all of you. You're no longer the Jina that used to live in the slums," he turns to her, something akin to pride or relief blooms on his face. "This is your new reality"

She wanted to crack a sugar daddy joke but that was getting old, she wished she did when she looked into her bank count with a lot of zeros, she almost had a panic attack...

"I'm surprised, don't you know how rich Jeno is?" Renjun says as he unpacked.

"Filthy rich." Jaemin comments as he was on the bed trying to balance the baby on his feet, the baby seemed more interested in using his legs like a slide.

"He's associated with other conglomerate companies," Renjun adds.

"Okay, well. I just thought he'd inherit his family's business," she shrugged.

"He will remember he has an older sister? She's managing a branch overseas."

"What else? Is he a celebrity?"

"He only appeared on TV one time, a lot of people don't care for business politics unless they're old."

"This lifestyle seems unnecessary, he's not the son of a president," Jina says as she separates the gifts she bought from her belongings. Renjun and Jaemin didn't comment on it, she didn't need to know his maternal grandfather, uncle, and cousin were part of a mafia gang, having connections to the yakuza and Italian mafias, it wasn't just big family business that decorated his status.

Renjun suddenly stood up and ran to the bathroom to throw up making Jaemin's eyes widen in surprise. He returns, looking pale getting quizzical looks from the other two.

"I forgot... To take my medications," Renjun groans looking sour.

"Right, you're four months. It should start getting better," Jina says placing a hand on his forehead to make sure he isn't sick.

"I just realized... you always cover your belly," Jaemin noted. The boy covers his belly self-consciously.

"It looks weird."

"I wanna see it," Jaemin tries to touch his belly.

"Get away from me you perv," Renjun cussed in Chinese putting his hands up ready to karate chop.

"I wanna see your belly, please!"



The older was tickled and he got the upper hand and moved his shirt to see it, he gasped at the noticeable bump, but before he could stare any longer, he was elbowed in the ribs.

"Why are you hiding it? It's cute!?" Jina squealed, Renjun giggled from the ticklish feeling before slapping both of their hands away, his fists up in the promise of pain.


Jeno was currently at his parents' place with relatives for an evening lunch, not something he expected since his parents didn't bother to tell him beforehand, the nosy questions are what gave him a headache.

"Your wife, is she middle class like your other mates?" His father's older sister asks.

Jeno glanced at his mother, telepathically communicating that they were not happy to be there.

"Yes, is that a problem?" His mother speaks up, thankfully.

"How will she benefit your family? What does she bring to the table?"

"Right, all the women in this family are no gold diggers, I think this marriage was unexpected and too fast, Jeno's too young."

"He's an adult, mother. Besides, you and your father got married at 17 and 25," his mom pointed out.

His grandmother, although she was old, had the most control, she had a lot more wealth compared to his relatives and his own family, and that's why everyone feared and respected her, Jeno didn't like her one bit.

"What would a daughter of a gang leader know?" His aunt laughed as if she said something harmless and funny, he saw his mother grimace in return.

"Age is just a number, grandma. I may be 21 but I've experienced things someone in their 30s would, you do not need to concern yourself over me," Jeno cuts in hoping she would drop the topic and possibly change it to politics.

"I have to be worried. Your wife has a child, people are going to spark all sorts of rumors, do you want a tarnished reputation, Jeno?"

"The public doesn't care about me there are bigger people out there," Jeno smiles. "My partners and I are going to live private lives, I'm not about showing off. Now if you excuse me, I've got a company to run."

His mom didn't hide her grin and his father flashed a guilty smile as he stood up to leave, he ignored the remarks of his aunt who was complaining about how disrespectful he was while his grandma frowned and glared daggers into his back.

Once Jeno was out of the house he called Jaemin.

" Where are you right now?"

"I was heading to the university, why?

"Meet me at the company after your classes end."

"Okay, want me to bring food or something?"

"No, just try to come before 2 pm, I'll be waiting." He hung up and sighed deeply, trying to shake the stress that began to creep on him.

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