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Banxia novel

Banxia novel>I really just want to open a store [plane]>Chapter 37: Infinite Flow Plane Ten

Chapter 37: Infinite Flow Plane Ten

Turn off the lights Small, medium and large

Previous Chapter..Chapter 36 Infinite Flow Plane NineNext Chapter: Chapter 38: Infinite Flow Plane Eleven

"Shopkeeper, I'm going to buy more napkins and slime!"

Late at night, the Fusheng grocery store welcomed his customers, as usual.

But this time, the person who appeared in front of Lu Sinian looked very unfamiliar.

Lu Sinian was stunned for a few seconds before he realized that it was still the same person from before, Zhu Weimao.

But his current changes can be said to be very big, and it seems that even his temperament has changed slightly.

Zhu Weimao stepped forward and could clearly see the facial features on his face, which was very well-proportioned and upright, not delicate and handsome, but at least clean and sunny, and gave people a good impression at first sight.

Although if you look closely, you can still find the potholes on it, but compared to the blurry and terrifying skin and flesh before, it is already many times better.

His condition has obviously improved a lot, the most? At least looking at the past now doesn't make people feel scared and scared.

Zhu Weimao couldn't restrain the ecstasy in his heart, he originally thought that yesterday's successful revenge would be enough for him to be happy for several months, but he never thought that there would be more shocking things in the future?!

He inadvertently saw his current face through the water mirror, and it was actually back to its former appearance.

He didn't know how long it had been since he had seen this face, it looked familiar and unfamiliar, but it made his eyes almost sore.

He didn't dare to look in the mirror, he didn't want to think of his appearance, after all, as long as a player who has seen this face, his first reaction will be horror.

Zhu Weimao used mucus and napkins at the same time. He didn't know which effect was to restore his appearance, but luckily he bought a few more items and took them out for Grimace.

He watched as Grimace's tongue was able to be retracted, and then the grimace's face soothed a lot.

But this was not the most surprising to him, the next second the grimace seemed to be stuck in some kind of memory, and he seemed to have a headache, closed his eyes and muttered a few words from his mouth, listening carefully to the past It was actually about him or the player?!

Zhu Weimao is a player who was killed in the dungeon, he thought he was dead, but when he opened his eyes, he saw a familiar personal space.

As always, he needs to participate in the quest game, but his identity is completely changed - appearing as a ghost.

The orders issued by the main god are all hostile to the player, either you die or I live, and the ghosts are subject to many restrictions in the dungeon, so it is impossible for the player to perceive their truth? Identity.

The brutal and bloodthirsty bosses in the eyes of players are actually partners who shared weal and woe with them in the past, and these are the most buried in the main god game? Deep secrets.

The ghosts are all terrifying, and they are terrifying when they look at each other, and they want to run away or kill each other, who has the heart to know where they come from?

✓ I really just want to open a store [plane]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz