Sword Keeper: 2

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I just stared at Arthur as she looked at me, expecting me to comment on what I thought of her doing her work. Which, I guess, is technically my job.

The problem? How do I say it without outright spitting on her face?

The first thing that popped in my head was 'I have seen more emotions from people telling their dog to play dead', but I can't exactly say that.

I'm annoyed and I have no reason to respect her, but I also don't have a reason to outright insult her.

"Well, is that all?" I asked, hoping she'd understand that I've only seen her work for a couple of hours.

That seemed to work as she then turned to Bedivere. "Sir Bedivere, what else is on my schedule today?"

"You have a check up on the new recruits that Sir Lancelot is training your majesty. And, after that, you have a meeting with Agravain and the guard Captains to go over patrols and reports around the Kingdom," Bedivere listed, not even holding a schedule but seemingly having completely memorised Arthur's schedule.

"Then let us begin," Arthur stood up from her throne and began walking, Bedivere following her close by.

I just followed after them. Gawain was standing outside the throne room started walking besides Bedivere behind Arthur, apparently working as a guard.

We walked out of the castle and reached a large barrack shaped more like a stadium. The whole structure, which was wood for a change, was rather large and seemed well-made.

Inside was a large group of people, apparently sparring in pairs with a wooden sword and shield. Overlooking the whole thing was a Knight in white purple armor and equally purple hair.

"Attention! His majesty has arrived!" Lancelot barked out as soon as he saw us.

The trainees all froze in shock before they scrambled to stand attention. You can clearly see they're beginners, Lancelot stood in front of them and bowed.

"You honor us with your visit, your majesty!" Lancelot cried out.

"At ease, Lancelot," Arthur nodded. "You seem to be doing well. Resume your work."

Lancelot nodded. "Everyone, return to your sparring!"

With that, everyone started sparring in pairs again. Although, they were noticeably tsnse and more cautious, they didn't make any major slip ups from what I see.

Arthur kept looking for a while before nodding and moving to leave. Gawain, Bedivere, and I of course followed.

"See you later, little Lancy," but not before I said something I've been dying to say.

Even with his back turned, I can tell all colors left Lancelot with the way he nearly jumped out of his armor from shock.

Arthur kept walking with us following until they reached one of the castle gates with Agravain waiting there with a group of men. He took a quick glance at me but instantly focused back on Arthur.

"You're majesty, we have prepared a report of the patrol results along with a list of the upcoming patrol routes," Agravain explained with a bow.

He must have Arthur's schedule memorised, too. This guy honestly screams 'Work Mode', and not in a bad way, if I'm being honest.

"Very well," Arthur nodded and began listening to the report while giving minor commands here and there.

Just like before, she didn't sound alive in the slightest. Frankly speaking, you're honestly better off talking to yourself than talking to her as she is now.

The sun was setting by the time Arthur finished and we walked back to the castle and headed to the throne room. When we got in, Merlin was there standing by the throne.

"And where have you been, Merlin?" Arthur asked and, for once, she actually did have some emotions in her voice, even if it was being deadpan.

"Why, supporting you from the backline as always, your majesty," Merlin replied, basically admitting he was mostly just sitting back and letting her handle the manual stuff without an ounce of shame.

Arthur just shook her head and turned to look at me. "You have seen how I rule my land, what judgement do you give?"

Merlin, Bedivere, and Gawain all turned to me, giving me all their attention. Honestly, I don't even understand how she wants an evaluation after only one day, but I guess I can try.

Instead of giving her a lengthy and detailed answer, I decided to just be straight and clear.

"I'm going to be honest, Camelot is not going to last until the end of your reign."

(A/N: Discord Server: https:// discord .com/ invite/5n5jZhRk)

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