Omake: Daughter

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... Hungry... so Hungry.

Cold. So cold.

Red stuff good. Warm.

Must get red stuff.

Food good. Must get food.

Noisy things fight. Must fight for red stuff.


Meat. Must get meat.

Moo meat good.

Noisy two legs bad. Too noisy. They fight. They no give red stuff.

Fight or me dead.

Must fight. For meat. For no die.

... Cold. So cold. Must get warm.

Shiny orange stuff warm. Noisy two legs has.

Kill Noisy two legs. Get shiny orange stuff. Get meat.

Get warm.



Many noisy two legs attack.

They die. Me eat meat. Must fight.

Must live.

Fight. Eat. Warm. Live. Fight. Eat. Warm. Live.

... Still cold.

Noisy two legs no talk. Just fight.

Why? Why only fight?

Me have no red stuff.

Why fight me? Why attack?

... Tired. So tired. Need sleep.

Must keep fighting. But need sleep.

... Talking brown stuff?


Wood no dead. Talks. And gave drinky stuff.


It no fight. It no dead. It gives drinky stuff. Gives meat. Gives orange shiny stuff.


Weird but... Warm.


Wood name Zack.

Zack gives moo meat. Zack gives drinky stuff.

Zack keeps cold away. Zack keeps warm.

Yu smell weird. Look like noisy two legs, but no smell like.

Smell like red stuff.

Zack smell... like wood... like rock... like drinky stuff... like nothing.

Zack weird but warm.

... What name?


Yang. Zack name me Yang.

Zack talk me. H-... He t-teach me to speak.

Yu grumpy. But helps.

Yu gives moo meat when speak right.

Zack gives moo meat when me hungry.

Like Zack more.

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