Type Earth: Green Earth Zack

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All eyes were on the giant mark that was beating like a heart in the sky. The appearance of the mark eclipsed even the moon that appeared larger because of Brunestud's Reality Marple.

The red energy that came from the horizon began gathering at the centre of the mark and forming something. As they did, the mark got smaller and smaller while leaning towards where the energy was. The mark stopped shrinking when the energy finally solidified and formed a body.

It was Zack's body but different.

The mark of the planet Earth no longer pulsed in his chest. Instead, it seemed to hover upright behind him with the lower half of the circle going into his back.

Another notable thing was that Zack's body was not made up of any of his previous elements. His hands up until halfway to his elbows, his feet up to his knees, and face seemed to be made of scorched, pitch-black stone. The rest of his body, and claws and teeth, was made up of bright red energy.

When Zack's body finished forming, the world split in two.

One half remained in the appearance of Brunestud's Reality Marble. The other half, however, looked incredibly different.

The skies were bright blue and light was shinning but no sun was in the sky. The ground was covered in a beautiful forest filled with trees and plants of all kinds. Beyond the forest was was calm ocean that stretched all across the horizon with a mountain visible at each end. One mountain appeared normal and completely made of stone with the top covered in ice. The other mountain was actually a volcano and had lava running down the sides with smoke coming from the top, showing it was active.

When the world finished changing, Zack flew downwards but did not touch the ground. The air around him seem to break apart, causing his body to be covered in a black outline.

First POV: Zack

"I will give you the last piece of me that remains pure. If you can defeat the Moon's avatar, I will believe that you can help me and bring me and Alaya together again. If you fail, then I will not only keep supporting the Moon's Avatar, but I will cry for the Cloud's Avatar to awake as well."


hat was what Gaia told me as it gave me a piece of something that didn't exist in millions upon millions of years. What Gaia gave me was a piece of itself when it was first born.

This new element represents Earth in its truest form. A pure Celestial Body of the universe formed from chaotic elements mixed together to create a planet.

"Hahaha! So you've ascended!" Crimson Moon said, completely ignoring Zelretch and Ainzel now.

"You seem happy," I commented.

"I have been lacking a good challenge since I came to this planet. Your previous form was entertaining, but it lacked the power to back it up," he explained.

"How flattering," I commented before looking at the two Magicians. "You two. On my side. Now," I commanded. They broke out of their shock in jumped into my side.

Where my Reality Marble was. An environment that perfectly represents Earth.

As soon as they stepped foot in it, Ainzel's glowing weapons vanished and the glow of Zelretch's vanished. They looked surprised but I really didn't have time to explain what happened.

"You say that I over stayed my welcome, but I did not receive any orders to leave," Brunestud hummed as he looked over me. "Which means... You're being tested. This is your chance to prove you can be an Ultimate One. Hehe, Earth must be honored. It is the first planet on this solar system to have three Ultimate Ones at the same time."

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