Type Moon: Crimson Moon Brunestud

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That was the only thing going over my head. The absolute last thing I wanted to ever happen had happened and its standing in front of me right now.

Crimson Moon Brunestud. Type Moon. An actual Ultimate One.

The entire battle stopped as he stood at the other side of the road right across of me. He was just standing there letting his mere presence scare everyone.

He looked like an older, male version of Arcueid. Long, blond hair. Pale skin. His eyes were pale red with the pupils being pure white. He was wearing a white suit with a red undershirt and golden outlines.

"M-My King!" The Ancestors all dropped on their knees. "We apologise for our shameful appearance. We-"

"It's alright. I never had any expectations for you to win against him anyway," Brunestud cut them off. His eyes stayed on me and he had an easy going smile.

"That's not very nice to say to your children," I commented while tilting my head.

"I know their limits. If any of them can match you in power, Gaia would have achieved its desire from our deal by now," he commented.

"What deal?" Brishisan asked as he walked besides me.

"You REALLY think now is the time?" I whispered to him. "Listen very carefully, when I move, just run. Don't look back, don't try attacking him, and don't even think of coming back for me. Got it?"

"Do you believe these mere human can escape me if I wanted to kill them?" Brunestud seemed amused as he heard what I said.

"I'm more wondering why you bothered to personally come for these 'mere humans'," I commented, trying to see what went wrong with the plan.

"Oh, I'm here for you. Ever since I got a report saying that Archetype Earth is now helping humans, I've been very interested in this war," he replied.

Crap. He's here for me! He's been watching since I showed up! All because I spared those idiots that ran away when I first met Brishisan and Zelretch.

"Brishisan, did you hear what I said? Tell the other Magus to do the same," I said aggressively and he nodded slowly.

Okay, let's get this shit show over with.

Third POV:

The whole battle stood still as Zack stared intensely at the smiling Crimson Moon.

Then Zack moved. The ground under him exploded as his body changed into wind instantly crossing the distance and reaching the Ultimate One, his claws raised.

There was a very small flick from Brunestud's hand, and Zack's body just exploded.

There was absolute silence for a few seconds before the Ancestors began cheering. As they did, Brishisan turned around and began running as quickly as his Mage-craft can let him while informing all the Magus to do the same.

"Amazing, my lord! I knew that pathetic creature stood no chance against you!" One of the Ancestors praised.

Brunestud scoffed. "You fools. If killing him was that easy, he would have never been recognised as the Archetype," he stated, causing the cheering Ancestors to stop their cheers as he looked at the top of one of the castles.

Air began gathering and reforming into Zack's body. When it was finished, he turned to his stone element and glared at the Vampire King. "You know, I've never really tried to reach this far with my element control, but I guess there's a first time for everything," Zack raised his hand to the sky and clinched. He looked as if he was struggling to pull down something.

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