Omake: History Books

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Third POV:

"Alright, let's get this meeting started," Doctor Romani said as he clapped his hands and looked at the occupants of the room.

The people in the room were Ritsuka, Mash, Gilgamesh (Archer), Enkidu, Medusa, Scathach, and Da Vinci. The inventor was holding a tablet, tapping away as they all sat around a large table.

"Make this quick. I have better uses for my time," Gilgamesh stated as he crossed his arms. Unlike the others, he was sitting on a golden throne he had summoned instead of a normal office chair.

"We're sorry, your majesty, but we really don't have many who can help with this," Roman sighed before his face turned serious and he placed his hands on the table. "Alright. Just to make sure you all know, this meeting is about discussing the being known as Elementor, or Zack as you know him. The reason for that is because I'd like to make profile on him just to be safe. Obviously, a lot of our records are connected to him without us realising, so let's start with the oldest known appearance to Zack."

"That would be the Epic of Gilgamesh," Da Vinci said as she pressed a few buttons on her tablet and a hologram appeared above the table.

The hologram showed a mural on a stone wall. The mural showed a being that had a humanoid appearance from the waist up but below that was the bark of a tree with roots going through the ground. The figure had claws and the only feature on the face was a pair of slits for the eyes. It was spreading its arms and appeared to be making rain fall on a group of humans.

"In the stories, Zack - or Zakrim as he was called back then - is said to be a forest spirit that guided a group of nomads to the kingdom of Uruk through the desert," Romani explained before turning to Gilgamesh and Enkidu. "Are we correct so far, your highness? Enkidu?"

"The tree did in fact come to my city and ask for me to take his people in. The audacity still baffles me," Gilgamesh replied with a scoff.

"Zack was helping the people cross the desert. He asked and managed to get them into the city with a new section completely made up of them. They were Zack's 'believers' in a sense, but Zack made it clear for them several times that he was no god," Enkidu explained with a calm smile.

"Right, Zaraka mentioned that he hated being seen as a god," Ritsuka commented from his sitting spot.

Romani nodded and continued. "Alright, considering that's the oldest records we have of him right now, we can say Zack is nearly six thousand years old if he's alive now, which is most likely considering Lord Brishisan's laws. Then he helped with the battle of Gugalanna, trapping it in a tree, according to legend."

"The tree actually dealt the final strike. He was otherwise busy protecting the city for the rest of the battle," Gilgamesh stated.

"Thank you, your majesty. After that, he was entrusted to protect Uruk with Enkidu as Gilgamesh searches for immortality, then he was punished by Ishtar for killing Gugalanna by being banished from Uruk?" Roman asked.

"Not in the slightest," Enkidu immediately denied with a shake of his head, his smile vanishing. "Ishtar hated Zack for killing her pet and was attempting to kill him for some time. She managed to corner him by threatening his people, so he made a deal with her to leave them alone in exchange for not harming them in any shape or form."

"I see," Roman nodded with a hand on his chin before looking back at the group. "There are some folklore in the middle east of a 'walking talking tree' travelling the land. I guess that was Zack after her left Uruk. As far as I can tell, his biggest relevance after that was in Greek Mythology."

"Specifically, Medusa's story," Da Vinci tapped her tablet again and the hologram from the table changed, this time showing a vase.

The vase was really old and had some cracks, but the drawing on its were clear. It showed the mythical version of Medusa, a serpentine woman with snakes for hair holding a chained leash to a monster with large claws and fangs attacking a group of warriors.

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