Puppet: 2

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Watching Scathach work was... Something.

I was watching her work from the edge of Nature's Law. She was outside, obviously, and was... cooking a witch's brew. There was no other way to put it. The only difference was she was using a large hole the size of a small pool in the ground instead of a pot.

The brew honestly looked like a typical witch's brew. Bubbly and weird with some odd steam coming out. Scathach had a bag of ingredients besides her and was stirring the brew with a red spear.

I know she's called 'Witch of Dún Scáith' but does she have to be so stereotypical?

"So... what are you doing, exactly?" I asked looking over her.

"Creating a body," Scathach replied as she stopped stirring and reached for the bag besides her. She pulled out a bundle of dried roots before throwing them into the brew.

"I don't see a body," I said looking at the brew.

"That's why I said I'm 'creating' one, not that I 'created' one," Scathach replied and I felt a little dumb for asking.

She reached into the bag and threw in a collection of bones next. Honestly, this kept on for a while with her throwing weird ingredients in before she pulled out her spear and used the sharp edge to make a deep cut in her hand.

Holding her hand forward, Scathach let a lot of her blood to pour into the brew before the wound healed up. She began stirring the brew again and it slowly turned into a bright red color and I swear you can see something growing inside.

Scathach reached for what I believe is the last ingredient inside the bag, which was a couple of flowers. One blue while the other is red.

"Now, which gender do you want?"  Scathach asked me. "Depending on which flower I use, you get either boy or girl."

"... huh?" Was the only thing I can say.

Scathach sighed and shook her head. "Gender. Do you not know what-"

"No, I got that part. I know what gender is," I cut her off and motion to the flowers she was holding. "Are you telling me that, when creating an artificial body, the gender is decided by the color of a flower?"

Scathach raised an eyebrow at me. "Where do you think humans got the social convection that blue is a male color while red is a female color?" She asked and I guess she was right. People had to get that belief from somewhere. "Now, which one do you want?"

You know, it really says a lot that I'm actually thinking about this. I've always been genderless so, in all honesty, I'm okay either way.

On one hand, if I pick female, me and Yu will have more in common and less to complain about whenever I visit her. But, on the other hand... Yang called me 'Father'.

"Pick one before I throw both in and just see what happens," Scathach insisted, looking annoyed with how long it was taking me to answer.


With my answer, Scathach threw away the red flower and ground the blue one with her hands before throwing it in the brew. A small explosion of smoke erupted when the flower pieces mixed in.

The only way this could get more stereotypical is if she's wearing black robes and a wide black hat.

"Now, for the final ingredient," Scathach mumbled and I looked to see the bag empty. "We'll need a heart. Specifically, a core for the body. It needs to be something powerful enough to actually handle you. Maybe we can find a dragon if we look ha-"

"Does the core need to be flesh and blood?" I asked, cutting her off.

Scathach looked at me with a raised eyebrow before placing a hand on her chin. "Not... necessarily. As long a the core can act like a heart and take in a lot of energy, it doesn't have to be organic."

"Good," I said, raising my hand and turning it into Yggdrasil wood. I created an artificial heart from roots and gave it to her. "Would this work?"

Scathach looked over the heart, turning it around in her hands before looking at me again. "What... is this? It feels like Ashwood, but... more potent and pure."

"I'll tell you later. Let's finish the body for now," I wasn't really dodging the subject. I was just excited to finally finish.

Scathach stared at me for a few more moments before shrugging her shoulders. Turning back to the brew, she didn't through the heart in like with the other materials. Instead, she placed it inside slowly. She stopped stirring the brew and just stood besides it.

The liquid inside began getting more and more clear, becoming almost transparent and allowing us to see the remaining solid parts gather somewhere at the bottom. We just waited for nearly an hour before almost completely clear with only a red hue.

Scathach reached inside the brew and poked whatever was at the bottom a couple of times, looking like she was making sure it was solid now. She nodded to herself and pulled out something from the hole.

What came out was a body. A human male that looked to be in his prime with long hair laying on it's front. However, it looked off for the fact it looked really pale. The skin was almost white and the hair was PURELY white.

"Why does it look like that?" I asked.

"It was just made. Give it some time to gain life and color," Scathach explained before looking at me again. "The fact the core came from you is quite fortunate. This means you can control it easily rather than rely on some ritual of possession."

"So, I just connect to the core inside the body?" I asked.

Scathach nodded. "Correct. Try it."

I closed my eyes and tried to focus on the core made from Yggdrasil's wood. That wasn't hard. Trying to... How should I say it? Project myself into the body through the heart, I guess.

Slowly, it somewhat worked. I began feeling things, physically I mean. I felt... tired. Like I was just forced into exhaustion. I tried to move, or at least open the eyes of the body, only for nothing to happen.

I went back to my real body and groaned. I was about to ask Scathach if there was something wrong but then I realised what was wrong.

I'm the problem. I have no freaking clue how to move an organic body because I never had any muscles or nerves.

"... Shit."

(A/N: Discord Server:  https://discord .gg/ v38byCWk)

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