The Ethics of Madness

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"Are you okay?" He heaved. Clearly, he was trying his hardest to protect me.

"I'm fine," I set my hand against my forehead. "I've learned that like this, I am susceptible to attacks from Serberous."

"He found you," Myhilda rushed to my side. Calliope was unmistakably in her tone.

"I'm okay," I touched Loral with my blue magic. "He threatened me, is all. He's on a search for Lena of the Moon."

Myhilda clapped a hand over her mouth. "Why would he do that?"

"He's looking for a way to destroy Lilith once and for all. I suppose it is a hostage negotiation. There's no way I'd fall for it, even if he says he'll keep Arn away from me forever. Or that he'll kill me and trap my soul. I care too much for Lena and Lilith. I could survive his torture to make sure they're safe."

Myhilda touched my arm softly, absentmindedly. Calliope was relating her kindness. You don't have to. I know, Mom, but I do. For the sake of your happiness. For the safety of this realm. How much would Arn hate me if I sacrificed his mom for us to be together once more? I couldn't live with that thought.

But you're not going to, a voice said in my head. He's bluffing.

I couldn't know that. No one knew that for certain

I touched Myhilda with my blue magic. Loral locked eyes with her, something deeper connecting between them.

"I think I need to be alone for a bit," I sighed.

Myhilda gave me an easy smile. "No worries, we'll leave."

"Thank you," I hid my eyes beneath my arm.

It took time to fall asleep. When I did, they were all there again. Leviathan, Calliope, Argus, and Ezra.

"Nox has found a ship to Newartic," I relayed. "I was attacked by Serberous just now. I can't leave with them."

"I don't feel any maliciousness coming off of you," Cali said. "If he was taking over your body, I could feel it."

"I'm not sure that's his goal," I flushed. "I think he wants me to agree to whatever he offers so that he can get to you. He won't do shit for me, no matter what I said yes to."

"He's not serious, Lexington," Cali assured me. "He's powerless without a form or a war."

"The war has finally ended on Medowlark," Argus added. "Thought you ought to know."

I breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm glad. Everyone is okay?"

"We might have lost contact with Arn," Ezra admitted. "Not to worry, if he were dead, we would know."

Leviathan crossed his arms. "I think we may have a way to get you home."

"What are you plotting?" Cali looked him over.

"Nox is my Splinter," he stood. "Have him use his Gift. Let him possess Orpheus."

"Possess me?" I stiffened. "Wouldn't that make me more susceptible to Serberous?"

Levi shrugged. "Nox's Gift is much more different than that. Yes, it's a demon; yes, it is possession; yes, there is madness. However, Nox's magic is his own. They're not Serberous' demons. They're Nox's."

"So possession to fight possession," I laughed. "That's hilarious."

"I will discuss it with Nox," Cali straightened. "I think it's the best plan we have."

"We can't leave you alone and infected with madness," Argus shook his head. "We will be there to retrieve you from the Citadel."

"What then?" I pressed. "I'm still struggling with madness. Lock me up like you did with Ezra. I can't..." I hesitated. "I can't let Serberous get to you through me. I would be too angry with myself."

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