Scenario 43

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At this coffee house café, a woman in her 40s name Nona is about to enter this one-toilet women's restroom directly after this other woman exit. Nona going to the toilet, wiping the seat then lowering her pants sitting on the toilet moving her bowels. While Nona is still sitting on the bowl relieving herself, the bathroom door opens surprising her and before she could yell; "busy" or "occupied." Another woman enters and she notices Nona saying, "Oops! Hey Nona, fancy seeing you!" Nona replies, "Fancy seeing you too Rosa, do you mind, I'm right in the middle of something here." Rosa says, "Smells like you taking a poopee." Nona replies, "Yea, could you close the door please!" Rosa says, "Great, we can talk! Since we haven't in a long time." Rosa enters the bathroom closing the door with Nona wondering sighing to herself, "What the heck? She must think we're girlfriends! I meant for her to get out and close the door, not stay in the bathroom with me and keep me company. I don't need assistance using the toilet!" Rosa is still talking and Nona is listening to her babble away.

Later, Nona at home cannot still believe the afternoon she had in that coffee house women's room with Rosa, "She even had the nerve to pee in the sink, with me still on the toilet, as we are two college female coeds using the bathroom at the same time." Nona is cracking up.

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