Scenario 35

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17-year-old Raymond has this problem of going into the bathroom at home to sit on the toilet and move his bowels, whenever anyone visits the house, including visiting relatives, he would avoid going until they leave. The only visitors, Raymond, most likely to use the bathroom to sit are his maternal grandmother or cousin Luke.  Raymond has been having this issue since he was toddler, he fears someone will accidentally open the bathroom door on him or walk in after him, after he's done criticizing the smell in a humorous way.

On a Sunday evening, while his visiting relatives are there, Raymond needs to take a dump bad hoping they will leave. Finally, his visiting relatives leave after saying their goodbyes. Just him, Allison, and his parents in the house. Raymond urgently enters the bathroom, locking the door, going to the toilet, taking his pants down and sitting on the toilet relieving himself saying, "About time they leave!"

Moments later, Raymond exits the bathroom feeling fully relieved. Allison disappointingly looks at her big brother, shaking her head telling him, "You are so pathetic. Every time family comes around, you torture yourself by holding your dookie in 'til they leave. Racing into the bathroom to let it out. Grow up big brother and knock off this foolishness." Raymond is seething and Allison is walking away laughing.

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