Scenario 37

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A woman name Hazel remembers the most embarrassing moment she had inside the lady's room at this big retail department store. The year was 1964 and she was shopping that Wednesday afternoon. She was sitting inside one of the toilet stalls relieving herself. Hazel quietly comments to herself, "Darn Milk-of-Magnesia, really got me going!" Inside the booth beside her, a young mother just entering the ladies' room with her two toddlers. While the mother is seating her 4-year-old daughter on the toilet, her 5-year-old is curiously looking into the stall Hazel is using, from beneath the partition, staring directly up at Hazel sitting on the throne. Hazel notices the tiny pair of eyes watching her, she is irate and embarrassed, quietly shooing the child away, she wants to tell the mother, "Lady, please control your child!" The mother notices her son, she orders him to stop, get up and let her son know it's not polite to look into other people's booth. She apologizes to Hazel and Hazel accepts while she finishes. Hazel never forgot that embarrassing moment, laughing about it.

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