Scenario 42

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Two undercover detectives Brown and Atkins are working on a case, they happen to notice this familiar dude with a certain reputation from the neighborhood and he is an ex-convict named Fisher. They notice he is entering inside this seedy park men's room; he enters after this orthodox young man in his early 20s. Fisher is looking around then entering inside. The two urban police detectives suspect something is going down and decide to go in pursuit inside that same restroom, plus they want to ask Fisher some questions. They enter hearing grunts coming from Fisher and allege "aahs" from that same young man along with soft smacking sounds, they are together inside the end stall with their trousers down to their ankles and Fisher is behind that young man getting busy. Brown and Atkins are remaining quiet with their hands on their mouths, giggling. Deciding not to disturb the two sex buddies during their moment of pleasure. After the two stall butt buddies are done, they step out of the stall adjusting their trousers. Atkins and Brown are clapping their hands and Atkins tells them, "Well, well; that was some performance you two done in that stall." Brown adds while he and Atkins reveal their police identification and badge, "Getting busy in a public bathroom toilet stall, what y'all thought that was, a motel room." Atkins says, "Whassup Fisher, having seen you in a while." Brown adds, "Yea! You (the young man), beat it." The young man tells, "Hold up, if you guys going to take him in, you two might as well take me in, also." Fisher is grinning remaining quiet and Atkins tells the young man, "I bet you're a young man from a very orthodox and moral background." The young man replies, "You can say that!" Atkins tells him, "Well here's a choice, either beat it or have a hard time explaining to your folks about you spending your leisure time inside a public bathroom stall, with your pants down bending over, voluntarily getting screwed by that man (Fisher)." The young man decides to leaves the restroom saying bye to Fisher. Fisher waves bye to the young man and he tells them, "I already have a certain reputation around here detectives and besides, I already came to terms with my sexuality; I like to think as myself as a friendly neighborhood booty bandit!" Atkins tells him, "Well from now on, lay off the sex in the restroom, even with yourself!" Brown adds, "Yea, get a room if you're happen to be in the mood." Atkins tells him, "A good thing we did not come in here to arrest you, we came in here to ask you some questions." Fisher says, "Okay! What is it?"

Three weeks later, Brown and Atkins notice Fisher entering that same restroom. They wait a couple minutes before entering the restroom. They enter inside the men's room to the sound of the toilet in the last stall flushing and Fisher is exiting the booth while adjusting his trousers. He tells them, "Aw come on detectives, don't tell me y'all come to arrest me for shitting on a public toilet. Can I at least, wash my hands before y'all take me into custody." Atkins tells him, "Take it easy homeboy, we didn't come in here to arrest you." Brown says, "but we should arrest you for stinking up this restroom, you need to take a cleanser, homeboy." Laughing, Atkins tells Fisher, "Seriously, we need to ask you for some information." Fisher says, "Okay!" As he tells the detectives what they need to know.

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