Scenario 54

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Saturday morning inside this local mall, 14-year-old Raoul is there for the first time with his big brother, Gus.  Thay are hanging out and shopping. While inside the mall dining area, Raoul lets Gus know he is going to use the men's room. Raoul enters and he is shocked at the appearance of that restroom. The restroom has three toilet stalls and each stall has no doors in front of for privacy, he notices this old man with his pants down sitting in the first one and somebody is sitting in the end handicap booth. Across from the stalls are the urinals. A dude on the toilet can eye another dude using the urinal and a dude using the urinal can eye another dude on the toilet. Raoul was planning on sitting on the toilet. He decides to wait until he gets home, but he did urinate. He returns to the dining area telling his brother about the condition of the restroom, "No way, I could poop in that restroom. People I don't know are eying me, sitting on the toilet bowl!" Gus laughs out loud telling him, "Don't tell me you shy little brother! Me, if I had to and I must go, I would have sat on one of them bowls and let that poop out." Raoul tells him, "More power to you, Big brother! Can we leave now and go home, so I can poop." Gus is laughing as he and Raoul get ready to leave.

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