Scenario 90

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In the early 1990s, 11-year-old Dante is arriving home from school humming weird noises, he is entering the 2-family brownstone, which he lives with his mother on the second floor. After entering the building and closing the door. Dante walks upstairs to his apartment, opening the door to the rear entrance and entering.  He closes the back door, walking through the hallway to his bedroom, noticing the bathroom door is wide open outward with the lights on. Dante is passing by the bathroom and he notices his mom's boyfriend Jeff, seated on the toilet with his trousers down to his ankles and he is talking to someone on the cordless home telephone. Jeff notices Dante waving to him and Dante waives back, going to his bedroom throwing his backpack on his bed.  He returns to the bathroom, clowning around and poking fun at Jeff.   Jeff is signaling Dante to stop and close the door. Dante refuses to close the door, still taunting Jeff and Jeff is beginning to get annoyed, ending his phone call.  Dante thinks of Jeff as more of an older brother, than as an adult father figure. Jeff and Dante's mother have been going together for over a year and he recently moved in. Jeff is telling Dante, "Enough already and will you please close the door, Dante, I mean it! I'm not playing, close the door so I can finish!" Dante, still laughing and jumping around, then running to his bedroom. Jeff gets up from the toilet with his pants still down to close the door and finish using the bathroom. Dante's mother, a single mother is hoping Jeff will be a father to Dante. Jeff would like to be a father to Dante and he is learning.

The following day, Dante arrives home from school entering the apartment, opening the door to the rear entrance of the apartment entering and closing the door.  He is walking through the hallway, figuring he is home alone. He goes to his bedroom throwing his backpack on his bed. Dante goes to the bathroom, closing the door and putting the toilet seat down after it is up, taking his pants down, sitting, grunting and pushing, when seconds later, the bathroom door swings wide open and it's Jeff surprising Dante and Dante anxiously says, "HUH!" Jeff tells him, "Surprised Dante, what no laughing and clowning. I figured I returned the favor and poked fun at you on the toilet making doodie. Ha-ha-ha!"  Jeff closing the bathroom door leaving Dante speechless.

Later, after Dante exits the bathroom, going into the living room and Jeff is the living room, Jeff let's him know he is a grown man, in a steady relationship with his mother and hoping to be his stepdad. Also, letting him know is not polite to make fun at anyone using the toilet, unless they don't mind. Dante apologizes to Jeff for this rude behavior yesterday, Dante and Jeff talked. Dante is also relieved Jeff never told his mother; Dante would have been in big trouble.  

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