Scenario 75

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A young man named James remembers an indecent homosexual encounter which happened 5 years ago, an event he would never forget and it happened inside the Civic Center men's room. 

What happened is he walked inside the quiet restroom needing to use the bathroom. Some dude more like in his mid 30s, probably hanging inside the restroom, he checks James out, looking at him up and down, giving James a friendly greeting along with a nod, " What's up!" James returns a nod, entering a stall, closing and latching the stall door, going to the toilet, wiping the seat, lowering his pants down, sitting down about to go when he hears someone hissing towards him. James looks around and looks up at the same guy looking down on him seated on the toilet.  James is stunned and embarrassed having his privacy violated. The guy in the next booth, standing on the toilet looking down on James, smiling, "Let me see!" Enraged, James yells while he is angrily pounding on the stall wall with his clenched fist, "What the hell?" The guy noticing James negative reaction, fear of being exposed as some men's room pervert, rapidly hops off the toilet, leaving the stall and the restroom.  James hurries up using the toilet relieving himself, finishes up, leaving the stall and the restroom after he washes his hands. He hopes to angrily confront that dude for his indecent action towards him.

Tales of the Toilet #2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant