Scenario 4

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On a Friday evening, at approximately 3:30 pm, a man named Reid was looking out of the kitchen window of his 8th-floor apartment. He notices something unusual, appears to be a pre-teenage boy on the rooftop of this 3-story apartment building directly across from his building, the young man has his trousers slightly down, squatting down relieving himself, the young man has his back directly to the wall and he is near the doorway to the rooftop. The boy rises, wiping with what appears to be a sheet of paper from his looseleaf notebook. The boy lifts his pants, then adjusts his belt, grabs his backpack, and exits the rooftop. All that moment, the boy must have been unaware of his rooftop bathroom visit being monitored or he probably did not care, because he had to go really bad and nobody was home at his place. Reid comments, "Amazing, I tell you! Really amazing I say!"

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