Scenario 82

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On a sunny Monday afternoon in Fulton Park, two old senior citizens and longtime best friends Rob and Nate are sitting on the park bench taking it easy. Rob is laughing and Nate asks him, "What so funny?" Rob replies, "It was my little grandson. That boy is very special. What happened, when I was at my daughter June house and I was in their bathroom, I was sitting on the commode taking a crap, when the tiny whippersnapper opens the bathroom door, sticking his head inside the bathroom looking in asking me, 'you okay grandpa, I heard you in here pooping!' I told him I was okay! Really, I was struggling." Nate and Rob are laughing. Rob adds, "he asks if he can keep his old great-granddad company, I told him, "Sure", just as long as if he shuts the door to the bathroom. We were talking and the five-year-old whippersnapper must have known I was having a hard time going (Nate laughing), by freely offering his advice. There I sat on the commode taking advice from a five-year-old toddler on how I should take a crap (Nate is laughing). The boy hasn't been out of diapers and potty-trained that long and he thinks he's an expert (Nate is laughing). There I was sitting on the toilet listening to this little, pint-sized toilet guru coaching me to relax, breathe, and let it flow; telling me it should come out nice and easy. He must have learned that in nursery school, kindergarten or watching some video on the internet.  As soon as I got off the toilet and washed my hands at the sink, the boy was already sitting on the toilet with his pants down given me demonstration by easily letting out a plop, another plop and another plop; all in less than a minute, before he got up off the commode, wiping.  We left the bathroom together after he washed his hands. The boy is something."  Nate tells him, "Kind of like my grandson, Shawn." Rob tells him, "No way like Shawn, Shawn is a little bad ass!"  Nate says, "I know!"  Nate and Rob are laughing and talking.

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